Issei Ending - "Heart Thief"

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~6 months later~

Shiina Kisaragi's POV:

'Dear ephemeral princess,
You have committed the unforgivable sin of heart theft.
Tonight, under the gleaming moon, I will steal an invaluable treasure from you in recompense.'

Wonderstruck, I reread the petite paper I'd discovered inside of my shoe locker. A third, fourth and fifth time proceeding that. Without a doubt, this was Issei's handwriting. What kind of role had he gotten into now?

If I had to wager a guess, this was a calling card. Ones thieves used when declaring crimes in advance. Not that it allayed my overall confusion.

Since he was talented, the characters he masqueraded differed wildly. His range perpetually snatched my respect. I never quite understood how the judges at his auditions could continuously turn him down. There was one instance a while ago where he did get a callback. Ultimately, however, production stalled, the entire project fell through, and he ended up having to start from scratch for the umpteenth time.

Despite his repeated failures, he never lost will. He powered through no matter the adversity.

I must've appeared like some weirdo, smiling to myself as students congregated out of the school building. One universal subject that habitually emerged in their boisterous chitchat was the event taking place later tonight.

"Upon consensus with the school board, a school-wide dance will be held," Miss Akagi, my class's substitute teacher a few weeks back, had declared. "It's formal so don't show up in sneakers and sweats. The sheets the class reps are passing out explains everything in detail. You're old enough to read so follow the rules listed on that. Don't come if you don't want to—means less work for me as a supervisor."

"Teach, at least sound enthusiastic," Kiharu complained.

"I'm moved by few things," she replied. "Bikes, booze, and money. Give me all three and I'll pamper you all like the happy-go-lucky ray of sunshine you want me to be."

I was eternally grateful Mr. Minoru had become my homeroom teacher for second year. Life was infinitely brighter without having to interact with that demon troll every day. Nevertheless. . . if Issei was referring to the dance in his note, it was only right I matched his energy and went all out too.

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Issei Enatsu's POV:

"What are you doing?"

Reorienting my frames on the bridge of my nose, I smirked at a deadpanned Banri. "Dear comrade, won't you bear witness to the greatest heist the world will ever perceive? The lips of a captivating princess await this gentleman thief's arrival."

"I'm asking why you showed up to a formal dance in the tackiest Victorian fashion I've ever seen. Don't tell me you're hooked on another historical drama?"

I spared my attire a gander. The cream-coloured dress shirt beneath a red vest, brown trousers, and black cloak. Fingers on the brim of my top hat, I peered out into the multicoloured gymnasium. As the event had long since commenced, the elegantly dressed students, the limpid music notes—all exemplified this night's perfect stage.

"As much as I'd like to chat about recommendations, I unfortunately can't keep my mademoiselle waiting for a second longer."

Out of the corner of my eye, Banri's countenance marred in displeasure. ". . .What does Kisa see in you?"

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