Chapter 20 - "All the World's a Stage"

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"Let me get this straight: you're helping Upperclassman Enatsu with his lines?" Kiharu demanded the next day at school.

As I munched on my lunch, I nodded. "He's nervous about his upcoming audition, so I agreed to help."

"A Romeo and Juliet remake, right?" Tsumugi confirmed. "How romantic!"

I made a face. "More like, what a tragedy. Both main characters end up dead by the end."

Tsumugi pouted. "I'm talking about you and Upperclassman Enatsu!"


"Don't play dumb," Kiharu interjected, riddling my composure with immediate holes. "You'll be all alone in the same room, sharing laughs and smiles between takes. One will excuse themselves to purchase drinks from the vending machine and when they return, will pass the other a can, and your hands will graze. A quiet so heart-pounding will bloom. He'll take advantage of the moment, lean in, and softly tuck a frayed strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes will meet. Time will stop for a fair moment. Then, your lips will inch closer and closer until finally—"

I pressed my palm to her face to quiet her.

"You watch too much TV."

She seized my wrist. "Are you implying I'm wrong?"

"Majorly. In the first place, I'm doing this because I want to, not with ideas like that. Besides, he helped me out when he styled my hair, free of charge, during the show. Doing a favour for him after that is nothing."

Agreeing straightaway wasn't smart, I knew. Regardless, with only a few exchanged words, it felt natural. He wasn't a bad person. I was sure of that.

Kiharu settled back into her chair, albeit sourly. "That show really was something," she eventually mumbled. "Whenever those boys give makeovers, it's like I'm propelled from reality."

"They dolled you up so cutely, Shiina," Tsumugi agreed. "Short hair suits you much better than I thought it would."

I smiled, subconsciously reaching for the strands that hung by my ears and upper nape. I was convinced the entire event would be uncomfortable, but it surprisingly wasn't so bad. They all engaged in happy-go-lucky chatter that relaxed my nerves in an instant, and didn't doll me up as seriously as I expected. It was a more natural look that I could rock daily without any inconvenience. Not to mention they provided me with a bunch of free products as well as gave the notice that I was welcome to talk to any of them about anything, anytime.

"That's all the entire school keeps whispering about too," Kiharu added, transferring me from my reverie. She gestured to our conversing classmates who gandered in our direction every so often. "You really are attractin' the attention of quite a lot of people. I'm worried if ya' let Upperclassman Enatsu have his way with you, you'll score yourself the scorn of his fangirls."

"I'll be fine," I said. "Jeez, Kiharu. I can look after myself. Besides, let these "fangirls" try—I'm not doing anything worth running or hiding."

Kiharu stared at me with half-lidded eyes, incredulity fixed into her gaze.

My shoulders slumped. "In fact, if there are people I should be running or hiding from it's—"

"Kisa! What's this about you being Issei's stand-in?"

Banri Taniguchi sprinted through the classroom doors and up to my desk in half a millisecond. His palms were on the desk, face contorted with displeasure, in less than that.

"I don't approve. Not one bit. Whatever that guy's scheming isn't worthy of your beautiful at all."

Caught off guard, Tsumugi and Kiharu side-eyed this development, alongside the rest of my peers.

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