Rin Ending - "Dearest, Truest"

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~11 months later~

Shiina Kisaragi's POV:

Rin had gotten extremely possessive these past couple of months.

And a great deal touchy-feely.

"I know we haven't seen each other in a hot minute, but I have to breathe eventually."

In spite of my protests and flails for liberation, Rin's embrace never waned. He buried his face into the crook of my neck, tugging me closer, tighter.

"Shii, tell me you love me. That there are no other guys. That it's only me."

"You ask this every time we see each other. And each time I reassure you the answer's yes. To all three."

He withdrew, bestowing my lungs the opportunity to re-inflate. His eyes, gold like antique jewelry, reflected overwhelming unease.

"The last time we'd been apart long, you told me you had no idea we were dating then scared me by saying you hadn't thought of me like that and to give you time to reconsider."

. . .So this was the byproduct of my insensitivity.

It explained why he never went longer than a few weeks without finding some excuse to spend time with me or have me visit him. These incessant, apprehensive inquisitions, affectionate coddling, and requesting I drop his infantile nickname, came hand in hand.

"Was it that traumatizing?"


His resolute answer summoned a half-smile to my lips.

"If the roles were reversed, I'd be insecure too. I'm high in demand."


"I'm kidding, Rin." Aware that sarcasm wasn't appropriate, I levelled his stare. "I love you. Nobody compares to you. Nobody ever will. Our entire lives, you've been my only star. I promise."

His bottom lip extended into an awed pout.

Briefly, though.

"A five out of ten," he said. "Maybe a six for corniness."

I clicked my tongue.

"Wait. Let me try again. I'll woo you to at least an eleven—"

"You're incorrect, Miss Shiina."

The sharp interjection allowed my heart to leap to my throat. At the entrance of Rin's dressing room stood his manager. Black suit, tight skirt and glasses, Mrs. Junpei was the image of a perfect office lady.

"Mr. Rin is supposed to be the one doing the wooing," she added, brusquely. "To his fans."

Her hawk-like stare ebbed at my composure. Me and Rin's current position settled in, his grip around my waist, bodies too close for comfort. Cheeks ablaze, my attempts at detangling myself failed when Rin enclosed me in his warm arms for the second time.

"Shii's my number one fan."

She sighed in reply. "There's been a shift in schedule. The opening act couldn't make it. You're wanted on stage."

"Five more minutes?"

"Now, Mr. Rin."

He bloated his cheek with air on cue. Then, released me from his clutches. I reassessed his flashy stage attire, blinding sequins a complement to his striking physique. Whoever his stylist was did a fabulous job of bringing his hotness to the next level.

By way of an eye roll, Mrs. Junpei motioned with her hand. An exaggerated sigh in tow, Rin swerved in my direction.

"Sorry, Shii. I thought we'd have more time before I had to go on."

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