Chapter 39 - "You're Supposed To Say Yes"

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The gig was a success. Albeit nervous, as soon as I saw Igarashi and the others fighting back their own apprehension, we laughed it off and did our best. Kiharu and Tsumugi were screaming right from the get-go. I spotted Banri ogling me with much adoration as always. Upperclassman Issei was smiling. Hachi cheered loudly, dragging Naru down with his pace. Kamakiri stood at the far back, minding his own business, but I definitely spotted the shirt Kiharu most likely forced upon him. I'm sure wherever Rin-Rin was he was fanboying over my existence with as much enthusiasm as I exhibited for him.

It was awkward facing everyone following the event. To make it up to me for bailing as of late, following the show, Kiharu and Tsumugi whisked me off before the others could get a proper word in. Here we were now, engaged in trivial conversation at Tsumugi's house.

"Your performance was amazing, Shiina!" Tsumugi squealed.

"Even Hanai was impressed. As she should've been," Kiharu agreed. "Man, I love your singing more than anything."

"I love Shiina more than anything."

"Hey, Tsumugi, ya' can't say that. There's no way Shiina will date those guys if we're the competition."

"Oh, you're right. My bad."

I heaved a timid breath. Catching on that their lighthearted conversation wasn't doing much to raise my spirits, Kiharu nudged my arm. "Are ya' down because we tugged you off before those guys had the chance to talk to you? You'll see them to your heart's content after the break. Let them woo you silly then."

"It's not that," I mumbled. I was grateful they stepped in, if anything.

I prolonged this long enough.

"Guys, I have something to tell you."






They were taking it extremely well.

Now seized by the collar on both sides, their shock contorted faces inches from mine, it took all I had to maintain my composure.

"I couldn't find the right timing," I excused.

"Timing? This type of information needs timing?" Kiharu's speech slurred as she grasped at strands of her hair. "I know we joke around about this a lot, but damn. Rin included?"

I shyly nodded.

"Rin did inform us of how much he loved you when we were working on our surprise. In fact, he wouldn't stop talking about you," Tsumugi said. "B-but. . . even him? The Rin Mizota loves you."

"What are you mulling over then?" Kiharu jostled my shoulders. "This is Rin we're talking about! He makes the others look like dog feces in comparison! Get with him! Right now! Want me to break the news to the rest of them for you?"

Tsumugi furiously bobbed her head up and down.

I deadpanned. "Glad to see you guys aren't letting your favouritism show."

Guilt warped their countenances.

"Sorry," they chorused.

A beat of silence elapsed.

"So?" Kiharu tried again. "Our opinions aside, who do you find the most delectable?"

I puffed my cheeks at her question. "They're not candy at the convenience store."

"But turning them all down would be a waste. Wanna do a draw? If ya' can't make up your mind, leave it up to chance."

Tsumugi beamed, reaching for her device. "I'll put their names in a randomized online generator!"

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