Chapter 13 - "Athletic Genius Kiharu"

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"I've heard of them."

Seated in the blindsight of the main field conducting the annual Sports Festival, I held my phone to my ear, engaged in conversation with Rin-Rin.

"You have?"

"The 'Beautician Boyz', right?" Rin-Rin said. He was currently on break between recording for his new album, which left him a lot of time to answer my arbitrary questions. "They're involved with plenty of Japanese celebrities. A bunch of my colleagues mention how flawless their work is. Even my stylist looks up to the work of one of the members. I think it's because they're so young, they're a popular spectacle. Popular or not, though, they're still ways away from being entirely wedged in the industry."

I hummed. Kiharu had mentioned them being involved with celebrities, but I hadn't actually expected it to be true.

"Why're you asking about them, anyway?" Rin-Rin said. "You usually don't care about stuff like this."

"I don't," I agreed. "Just, a classmate told me about them yesterday. Apparently they all go to my school—two of them are even my classmates—which couldn't help get me thinking, you know."

He was quiet for a moment.

"That doesn't make me very happy."

"Huh? How come?"

"If you're surrounded by that many amazing people, where does that leave me? I thought I was a head above everyone else. But I can't compete with them if they're actually by your side every day!"

I giggled at the prospect.

"You worry about the weirdest things, Rin-Rin. It's not like I'm actually close with them."

"There's no guarantee you won't be in the future!"

I imagined him with his puffed up cheeks—a habit of his from old times. I smiled. How was it that simply chatting with him on the phone, he could make my days so much brighter?

"Even more reason for you not to worry." I tugged my knees to my chest and planted my cheek upon my kneecaps. "I have no intention of loving or supporting any celebrity as much as you."



"You'll only show me your affection?"

"As much of it as you want."

"Yay! You're the best, Shii!" he cheered, back to full spirits.

I laughed again, picturing his ear-wide grin. He'd forever be a simpleton.

"I love you," he continued. "I love you, okay? I'll do my best to make sure you don't regret supporting me. I'll make it so that you won't ever want to look at anyone else but me!"

I wanted to tell him that was my current reality, but he'd already been summoned by someone else, leaving him to say goodbye and end the call there. I eyed his name on my screen long after it ended. He was giving it his all. I needed to, too. I couldn't go on feeling sorry for myself forever.

I'd make the most of what I had in the present, instead of thinking ifs and buts.


I glanced up to find Tsumugi poking her head into the area I'd stowed away at.

"The final round for the soccer tournament is about to start."

Shoving my device into my bag, I scrambled to my feet. "O-oh, yeah. Sorry. You didn't have to come get me."

Tsumugi smiled. "It's fine. I don't mind. By the way, Kiharu said if you don't get to the field within the next minute, you're going to be stuck polishing everyone's sneakers."

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