Bonus - "Tomato Cheeks"

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As you can guess by the title, this isn't exactly a continuation of where the last chapter left off—in fact, it mainly focuses on Shiina/Kamakiri. It still does technically take place, but I didn't know where to incorporate it into the story as an actual chapter. I kinda already glossed over their current relationship in the previous chapters plus it wouldn't work in the chapters to come either.

Truthfully, I wasn't even gonna post this (wrote it just for fun), but because I loved it so much, here it is as a measly bonus lol.

The Naru/Shiina doomsday events will continue in the next official chapter, coming tomorrow hopefully.

Vote & Comment! <3


"You stop by way too much."

Kamakiri wasn't the tiniest bit pleased to see me. It was nothing new—whenever I had spare time and ducked in during lunch, he never was. Nevertheless, he didn't turn me away. The first few times he did. He'd even lock the door or ignore me until I had no choice but to back down. However, after realizing how adamant I was to come by, he gave in before long.

Now, there was never a time I visited where the door wasn't unlocked. He never barked at me to leave either. Although he exasperatedly uttered demeaning stuff, after spending enough time with him, I already knew this was his way of hiding his embarrassment.

"I made you lunch again," I said, taking a seat in front of him. "This time, I think it turned out very well. Possibly to rival even you, Master."

"What a pain."

I clasped my palms. "Just one bite. I won't ask for anything else."

Begrudgingly, he extended his palm. "It better be good."

I brightened. Digging into my bag, I handed it off. "It's super delicious! Will make you smile, guaranteed."

"Coming from you, that sounds like baloney."

"Jeez, you say that but you always eat them."

"'Cause I don't like wasting food, no matter how disgusting."

I pursed my mouth. "Well this won't be disgusting."

"What happens if it is?"

"I'll accept any punishment."

The corners of his lip quirked up. "To think you're that confident. You must really want me to punish you, huh."

I shuddered. Oh no. I mean, I was confident, but Kamakiri was Kamakiri. Thus far, there hadn't been a single meal he didn't mercilessly tear apart. Whenever I thought it was rather good, he found qualms. There was a high chance today would be no different.

I didn't mind his feedback. Cooking used to be something I avoided at all costs because I wasn't any good. Since he'd started exchanging tips with me, I began experimenting a lot. Possibly because I was competitive at heart, I wanted to wipe that smugness off his face—see him smile from the deliciousness. It was a pipe dream, I knew, yet I aimed for that. Seeing as he was a better cook than me, I didn't mind relying on him to accomplish that.

Yet, that wouldn't become a reality for who knew how long. I'd gotten ahead of myself.

"A-actually," I said.

"Too late. Chopsticks."

Defeatedly, I extended the spare ones I'd brought. I watched in anticipation as he indifferently opened the container and stared down at it. It felt like centuries, him digging in and indulging bites of everything.

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