"They blossomed, they did not talk about blossoming."
Dejan Stojanovic"Hyodo, have you seen my phone?" Mei yelled through the apartment in the midst of flipping the couch's cushions.
Fyodor stared at her with widened eyes, tilting his head just slightly as Mei let out an exaggerated huff, throwing the cushion back down to the now disorganized couch.
She made a half-assed attempt of fixing the couch before stomping off to the kitchen, where she had been earlier, also searching for her phone.
Sure, she had woken up disheveled and went to the kitchen before checking her phone, but that was because she wanted water right away. She expected for her phone to be on the bedside table when she returned to bed, but it hadn't been.
"Hyodo, do you see it anywhere? Seriously, I feel lost without it!" Mei yelled once more, frantically searching in the most random places, hoping that maybe her phone slipped from the bedside table and ended up under the microwave.
Hyodo entered the kitchen with a smile, and Mei wanted to glare back at him and his apparent happiness while she was suffering, but she only ignored him.
"Mei, would you like to hang out today? I can get us tickets to that amusement park that opened up just recently."
Mei turned to face Hyodo, hoping that she didn't look too thrown off by his innocent question. Although, her eyes quickly moved on from him in relentless search for her phone.
"What are you talking about?" Mei let out in a harsher tone than expected, slapping a palm to her face before pushing past Hyodo to continue the search for her phone in her bathroom.
"Well, I know you started to get annoyed by us staying home and watching movies all weekend, so why don't we go to the amusement park today?"
"Hyodo, I have a meeting with Akaashi today." Mei explained plainly, not bothering to look at him as she rummaged through the bathroom cupboards. "Even if I were to cancel, I would need to give him a call. Which I can't do, because I can't find my freaking phone."
Hyodo moved forward to stand behind Mei, waiting for her to finish her search through the cupboards before wrapping her up in a hug.
She stiffened before holding a hand up to push him away, furrowing her brows and running a hand through her hair in frustration.
"Hyodo, stop. Please–"
"Mei, Mei, Mei," added a new voice, and Mei's eyebrows lowered even further as she strained her ears to listen to who had just entered their apartment.
Footsteps moved toward the bedroom, where the mystery guest stood in silence for a moment before cracking the door open.
"Mei, wake up and–"
"What are you doing?" Hyodo interrupted Akaashi mid-question, standing in the doorway to the bedroom and watching as Akaashi turned around guiltily.
"I'm sorry. I thought Mei was asleep."
Mei laughed quietly to herself before stepping out of the bathroom, making her way to the bedroom door to stand behind Hyodo and peer in at Akaashi.
"Akaashi, I've been up."
"How should I have known?" Akaashi forced out quickly, connecting his hands in front of torso so that he could rub the pad of his thumb over his knuckles nervously. "I called twice and texted even more. I wasn't sure if we were meeting somewhere or if I had to wake you up."
Listening to Akaashi ramble made Mei laugh loudly, lifting a hand to tap Hyodo's back, signaling for him to move out of the doorway and let Akaashi through.

words | akaashi keiji
Fanfictionthird year akaashi befriends a girl who reminds him of what he's lost, but she's got reasons of her own. akaashi x fem!oc COMPLETED