"Denial has rented a room in my head and frequently stomps around slamming doors."
Sarah NoffkeIf there was one thing the group of adults Sho had gathered knew how to do, it was to drink themselves silly and party for hours.
The panic and disappointment that everyone had felt earlier had completely disappeared, instead transforming into giggles and random cheers for topics ranging from Akaashi's height to old volleyball highlights.
Mei had since settled down from the initial excitement of her and Kuroo's attempted pranks, choosing to avoid him for the rest of the night so that she could slump into the couch and take frequent sips from Sho's stash of alcohol.
Hyodo seemed to have found his match in Bokuto, and so Mei watched in amusement as her boyfriend and the boy she had met a few times back in high school bonded over what she assumed to be volleyball– she couldn't understand half of the terminology that left their mouths.
Mei gave a lame hum in response, lifting the half-finished bottle of saké to her lips and taking a swig before looking to see who joined her on the couch.
Of course it has to be Akaashi.
"I'm not lonely," came her late response, and she shifted unconsciously to allow more room for him to sit. Apparently the rest of the empty couch provided no room for him.
He settled in next to her anyway, their thighs grazing momentarily before Mei snatched hers away from his as if he had just burned her.
"Happy birthday again. I don't know if I told you separately earlier. You've been too popular to catch tonight."
An airy laugh left Akaashi's throat at her words, and he leaned further back into the couch until Mei was forced to turn her torso to look at him. He had on that same lazy smile that she saw for the first time when they went out for drinks, and his arm was draped over the back of the couch in such a way that made Mei tighten her jaw.
"Stop that."
"Stop what?" He asked immediately, the smile dropping from his face as he looked back to her in concern. "I've only just sat here."
"Stop doing that. You look cocky, and smug. It's not you."
His brows furrowed in confusion, and he grimaced at Mei for a moment before sighing.
"What are you talking about, Mei?"
"Nothing." She shot back quickly, raising her hand to shove his shoulder away slightly.
Akaashi stayed silent as he took the saké from her hands, bringing it to his own lips and giving her another cheeky smile before taking a gulp.
Mei wanted to hit herself as she watched him, staring unblinkingly at the way he looked with his head thrown back, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down with each gulp.
Instead she shook her head violently, forcing herself to stare ahead of her, where Atsumu had begun drawing smiley faces up Hinata's arm. Hyodo and Bokuto were right by the two earlier, and Mei's face contorted into futher confusion when she realized they had disappeared.
She wobbled slightly after the head shake, and she felt Akaashi's hands rest on either side of her shoulders to steady her, making her shiver despite Sho's apartment feeling intensely warm.
"Don't tell me you feel sick."
"I don't!" Mei fought back, huffing out childishly before leaning forward to place her elbows on her knees. "I can handle my liquor, thank you very much."

words | akaashi keiji
Fanfictionthird year akaashi befriends a girl who reminds him of what he's lost, but she's got reasons of her own. akaashi x fem!oc COMPLETED