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"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."
Lao Tzu

"What's for lunch today, Akaashi?" Mei asked her usual question as she smiled down at him before taking the place next to him on the bench.

Since the first week of school, the lunch group had upgraded to eating in the common area. Mei would have hoped to be a typical quirky friend group and sneak onto the roof to eat, or at the very least venture to different spots throughout campus, but Akaashi seemed content with the common area benches so she left it there.

For now.

"A chicken salad sandwich."

"Hmm, very nice choice. A mix of protein and veggies." She laughed, and Akaashi nodded along as he took another bite.

"You say very nice choice to every single thing he brings for lunch." Sho mentioned from his spot against the wall, bending his knee as he dirtied the wall behind him with the bottom of his sandal.

"Because he makes very nice choices. Is that so wrong?"

"One day he literally had a bag of chips. And you still said very nice choice." He continued, pushing off the wall to stand in front of the two on the bench.

"I can't help but think you pay too much attention to me, Sho."

"You pay too much attention to Akaashi." He scoffed, moving to stand in front of Akaashi and pat his head with a smile. "But that's alright, because he's totally cool."

Akaashi glared up at him, continuing to take small bites out of his sandwich while keeping quiet, making Sho smirk back at him.

"Did I miss something?" Jun sighed as she stood beside the bench, a tray of food in her hands. "Jeez, you go to the cafeteria for one thing and suddenly miss a good boys love moment."

"You didn't miss anything, Jun. Come, squish with me." Mei offered, patting the end of the bench as she scooted toward Akaashi subtly.

Sho finally stopped patting Akaashi's head, walking backwards until his back hit the wall across from those on the bench, returning to leaning against it as he chewed on his protein bar.

"So, Akaashi. We have a practice game today, don't we?" Mei brought up, making the boy glance at her before nodding.

"Who are you playing?" Jun asked nicely, her cheeks full of the school's rice.

"Shinzen High."

"I'll act like I recognize that team," She joked, laughing to herself as Sho sighed loudly.

"Ooh, I remember that they really like those complicated combo moves that trick us up." Mei announced excitedly, lifting an arm in the air as if answering a tricky question from the teacher.

"Basically." Akaashi responded, nodding at her as she smiled happily. "They just play with us out of pity at this point."

"Still! I think it's nice, right?"


• • •

At the end of the school day, Mei quickly gathered her things, sprinting to the front of the classroom energetically to meet up with Akaashi as he left his desk.

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