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"Anything is better than lies and deceit!"
Leo Tolstoy

With less than a month left of their last year in high school, Mei and Akaashi found themselves spending more time with each other than studying. It didn't help that they had both received acceptance emails from their respective schools. As much as their teachers preached that acceptances could be revoked if school attendance or grades grow poor, the two teenagers couldn't care less.

It had become so common for the two to spend time together that Akaashi had begun to find it weird if Mei avoided hanging out one day.

Or if she cut class and, when he got out of school for the day, he didn't turn his phone on to find a text that read i'm skipping but i'm not sick so come by my place when u get out loser!!

On top of everything else, volleyball season had ended for Fukurodani, so the club only met every so often for conditioning.

This all made Akaashi's attention widely available, and as much as he would have liked to travel to see Bokuto more often, he was much busier than he was.

So, Akaashi's next best option was to spend time with Mei, which he had warmed up to the thought of tremendously, not that he would admit it.

That, again, was their plan for today– completely ignoring that it was a school day to cuddle with the strange cats at the café one train ride away.

They even wore adult outfits so that no one would know they were both skipping the school day.

"You think I could just steal one?" Mei asked immediately, turning her head to Akaashi as she begun to swing their interlaced hands obnoxiously.

"How would you do so?"

"Stuff it in my shirt or something, I don't know?" Mei huffed, speeding up until she was dragging Akaashi by the arm. "Hurry up, I'm excited!"

Akaashi only shook his head in mock disappointment, speeding up anyway so he walked alongside her again.

Until she dropped her hand from his, running ahead and only stopping to look back at him when she stood in front of the small glass door to the cat café.

"Keiji, Keiji, Keiji, Keiji!" Mei repeated as she bounced in place, urging him to catch up with her and instead only making him slow down.

Whether it was to spite her, or to hear his given name leave her mouth a few more times, or maybe just to see her standing and waiting with childish excitement, Akaashi wasn't sure. But he slowed down.

"You are so annoying. Hurry up. I'd like to have time to get food after this."

"Do you have plans you are in a rush for?" Akaashi asked suddenly, his confusion apparent by his furrowed brows, making Mei laugh lightly.

"What plans would I have? We're spending the day together. Wanna cook something?"

"Yes," Akaashi responded quickly, shutting his mouth in shame afterward, before holding one arm out in front of himself in expectation.

Mei only smiled in satisfaction before using his arm to drag him closer, taking hold of his hand once more and allowing him to open the door to the café for the both of them.

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