That on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms
And my roots will set off to seek another land"
Pablo NerudaHyodo was stressed, to say the least.
He maintained his daily routine: wake up, breakfast, work, avoid Kuroo on his lunch break, leave work, dinner, supply Fyodor with cuddles, sleep.
However, now it was Saturday, so his daily routine went out of the window, which removed any possible distractions from his thoughts. He was going to be stuck with his thoughts all weekend.
Mei walked out of the apartment on Thursday night and hadn't returned since. He'd blown up her phone with missed calls and texts once he realized that she wasn't returning that night.
So, one can imagine how many calls had stacked up over the course of a day and a half, with absolutely zero of them being answered.
It was just past 11 AM when the apartment door creaked open, making Hyodo jump up from the couch in fear.
When his eyes landed on a disheveled Mei, he sighed in relief and immediately went to greet her with a hug.
"God, Mei. I was so worried."
She returned the hug softly, leaning her weight on him and turning her head to rest it against his chest.
Hyodo felt his heartbeat grow quick at the gesture, and he was sure that she could feel it against her head, but he couldn't care less. He sprinkled light kisses in her hair, and Mei shook in his arms slightly.
"Mei, where did you spend the last two nights?" He asked her as he held her tight. "I don't care if you didn't have a response to what I asked you, but I called you over and over just to know if you were somewhere safe for the night."
"I'm sorry." Mei mumbled quietly, separating from him so she could venture further into the living room. "I crashed at Sho's place, but he kicked me out this morning. He said he got tired of my boy problems."
"I'm just glad you're okay."
Mei stood in the living room awkwardly, her arms folded across her chest as she looked around the room, almost as if she was expecting to find it looking different.
Hyodo took this opportunity to look her over, quickly realizing that she was wearing an outfit completely different from the one she left in. An outfit much too big for her.
Honestly, she looked funky in the chunky sweatpants that were rolled up to her abdomen so they could stay up, paired with a baggy t-shirt that had a cartoon character across it.
Hyodo's eyes narrowed at the coat she had on, and he realized that it was the new one she had gotten a few months back.
He was glad to see her finally wearing it, instead of letting it collect dust in the back of their coat closet.
"Hyodo, I'm sorry for just disappearing since you asked me to..." She trailed awkwardly, looking down to her feet as Hyodo held his arms open for another hug.
"Mei, it's okay, seriously. I was just worried, but look, you're okay, so it's okay. Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts though?"
Mei frowned before quickly making her way back to Hyodo, who still stood near the doorway. "My phone has been dead since Thursday night honestly. I didn't want to bother Sho for a charger, and he takes the only one he owns with him to work."
Hyodo nodded in understanding, holding Mei once more as they hugged.
The two stayed silent for a few minutes, and Hyodo began to think that Mei might have fallen asleep standing up before she suddenly separated from him to stand in front of him.

words | akaashi keiji
Fanfictionthird year akaashi befriends a girl who reminds him of what he's lost, but she's got reasons of her own. akaashi x fem!oc COMPLETED