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"It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace."
Chuck Palahniuk

Sho found himself scrolling through Instagram, shoving chips one by one into the side of his mouth as he laughed at the memes he came across.

His phone vibrated against his thumb, and he read the quick notification that covered the top of the screen before rolling his eyes and licking his fingers clean.

There is a party for every single life event.

End of summer party at my house this time

That Mei girl is bringing that guy so you gotta come

Sho read the texts with a sigh, dropping his phone to the table before using both hands to wrap up his fries. He stood from the table, leaving his phone and the newly-wrapped package of fries where they sat on the table as he made his way to the restroom to wash his hands.

That guy goes everywhere with her.

"Stop leaving your stuff out, Sho." Natsu warned as he returned from the restroom, and Sho waved his hand lazily in response, tossing out his garbage and sliding his phone into his jeans pocket.

"Yeah, yeah. Text me when you get off your shift."

• • •

"Hey, Sho." Jun greeted with a smile, her ponytail subtly bouncing to the rhythm of the house party music that sounded faded from where the two stood outside.

"What's up? Where are the other losers you hang with?"

She gave a short laugh in response, shrugging her shoulders before widening her eyes and quickly moving to hide behind him.


"Shh, you know the new hot one from that band?" She whispered back, clutching onto Sho's arm as she peeked out from behind his elbow.

"Which one?"

"Which band? Or which hot one?"

"Both? Do I know him?" Sho asked excitedly, and Jun laughed to herself quietly before directing her pointer finger to another tall boy making his way from the top of the street.

"I don't wanna be seen talking to you because then they'll all know that I know all of them..."

"Guys talk, you know?" Sho began, narrowing his eyes across the street and feeling them widen as they landed on Mei and Akaashi walking side by side. "Gotta go, Jun. Enjoy flirting with whoever it is this time."

"Hey! Don't make it sound like that's all I do!" She whisper-yelled, and Sho gave a small wave before quickly turning and jogging toward the two he had spotted.


She turned toward the sound of her name, her face immediately falling as she registered that it had been Sho who came to greet her.

And there's that smug ass, Sho thought to himself, a glare crossing his features for just a moment as he looked to Akaashi.

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