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author's note: double update because i haven't updated in a while, sorry!
please accept this chapter of bokuto and slight kuroo and kenma content as an apology :)

"She is sugar, curiosity, and rain."
E. Lockhart

Akaashi sat with his hands crossed over his lap, staring down at the train floor as he felt the tracks jostle the passengers just slightly at each stop.

To any concerned stranger that looked at him for an extended time, he seemed to almost be asleep with his eyes open.

Unfortunately, he found his thoughts preoccupied with vivid imagery pertaining to certain memories.

Most of them being his kiss with Mei over a month ago.

Or the way her skin suddenly seemed intensely warm whenever she touched him, which was a lot since the kiss.

Or maybe the warmth of her skin was only exaggerated because of the weather growing cold, Akaashi couldn't tell.

Finally, when he heard the stop he was looking for being announced on the speaker, he snapped out of his thoughts and stood, making his way to the exit.

I get to see Bokuto-san today.

He'll get my mind off it.

After leaving the train station, Akaashi walked less than a block until he reached Tokyo's Youth Training Gym, where Bokuto had made his second home in the seven months since he graduated.


Not even entirely on the building's property, Bokuto's cheering could be heard as he jogged toward Akaashi happily, already holding his arms out wide for a hug.

Akaashi felt himself smile as Bokuto finally reached him, wrapping his arms around him unnecessarily tight as he lifted him slightly into the air.

"Bokuto-san, I like my feet to stay on the ground... please."

"I've missed you!" Bokuto replied instead, releasing his hold on Akaashi and instead using a hand to pat his head twice. "Is school still fun? How's the team? Did you know Konaha and Komi came by to visit? That was a few weeks ago though... but I showed them some new stuff. Oh! I'll show you too. C'mon, what are we doing outside? It's cold."

Akaashi let Bokuto ramble and bounce around excitedly before he led him into the huge gymnasium, looking back every few seconds to send Akaashi a smile.

"So, here is where we do our weight training. I can squat almost 180 kilos now, did you know?"

"Yes, you texted that to me, but it's still impressive, Bokuto-san."

"I'm more so at 165, but I'll get to 180 soon." Bokuto admitted, giving his thighs a few pats for emphasis before his attention was again whisked away by another part of the gym. "Oh! Look! Look! We have a whole machine to practice our spiking with, and it shows who has the highest score after you hit it. Guess who has the highest?"

"Is it you?"

"Nah, not yet. I'm still young, and some of the guys here have trained in other countries so they're crazy good."

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