"Now, when she felt so deeply connected to him, they were finally estranged."
Iris MurdochDespite Mei's best instincts telling her to avoid Akaashi, and her problems for that matter, she instead found herself closer to him than ever before. Truthfully, it was because she couldn't avoid him for long.
To her, it seemed as if Akaashi wouldn't even notice if she had dropped off of the face of the earth, never to be seen again. That pissed her off.
It had been a month since her initial argument with Hyodo. And, not wanting to indulge in any more of the sort, Mei decided it would be best to put her writing aside on Saturdays. After all, it was just a stupid day of the week.
The first Saturday, she had called ahead to warn Akaashi not to come by and to not wait up for their meeting. He answered the phone quickly, and, at the news, only gave a simple sigh before hanging up. That pissed her off.
The second Saturday, she was reminded of the first, which made her stick her nose up at the thought of contacting him again. So, she went on with her Saturday, bouncing Fyodor in her arms as she watched Hyodo cook them lunch in the kitchen and list off the different movies they could watch. Akaashi didn't call to confirm their meeting. He only sent a text, assuming that there would not be one. That pissed her off.
The third Saturday, Mei grew antsy. She woke up with an inexplicable urge to leave the apartment at four in the morning, when the neighbors were still quiet and Hyodo was still fast asleep beside her. She ignored it, instead leaving the bedroom and setting up camp in front of her laptop in the dark living room. Fyodor kept her company until Hyodo woke up and immediately began reprimanding her for staring at a screen in the dark for hours.
She didn't bother to contact Akaashi the third Saturday, and neither did he feel the need to contact her, apparently. That pissed her off.
Now, it had been a month since her argument with Hyodo, and Mei shut her eyes tight as she lied in bed. Hyodo had woken up an hour ago, leaving for the kitchen, from where Mei could smell breakfast that almost threatened her out of bed.
Still, she lied there with her eyes forced shut, hoping to fall back asleep. Even if it was two in the afternoon, she did not want to wake up and face another day of Hyodo and movies and discussions of how their weeks had gone.
Eventually she grew tired of lying there with her eyes closed like a child, opting to throw the blanket off of herself instead. She twisted and grabbed for her phone on the bedside table, unlocking it and opening her contacts faster than her newly-awoken brain could catch up.
Her thumb hovered over Akaashi's contact for a moment before she let out a loud groan, throwing her phone until it hit the wall beside the closet door.
"Babe?" Hyodo called from the kitchen, and Mei almost grabbed for the blanket so she could hide herself under it again. "Everything alright in there? Did you fall off the bed?"
"Everything's good. I'm getting up now." She yelled back, glaring up at the ceiling as if it had wronged her personally.
She lied there for only a minute more, eventually stretching and sliding off the bed. She walked shamefully toward her phone, where it laid unlocked on the floor, still taunting her with Akaashi's contact information.
She scooped it up and quickly turned it off, refusing to look at the picture of drunk Akaashi she had snagged on his birthday and since made his contact picture.
"Smells good," she spoke softly as her eyes landed on Hyodo in the kitchen.
"It's just gonna be some eggs and toast today. Is that alright?"

words | akaashi keiji
Fanfictionthird year akaashi befriends a girl who reminds him of what he's lost, but she's got reasons of her own. akaashi x fem!oc COMPLETED