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"To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves."
Frederico Garcia Lorca

"So, when did this become the usual hang out group?" Jun asked simply, her arm looped through Mei's as they walked side by side with Sho and Akaashi, the four of them heading toward a small music venue.

"Jeez, not like we all have lunch together daily." Sho mentioned with a roll of his eyes, which made Mei glare at him until he shot his hands up in defense. "It's all thanks to me that we're going to this live anyway."

"I'll have you know, I was invited by Semi. So no, we would've ended up here anyway."

Jun felt Mei shake with silent laughter beside her, and she smiled proudly before tugging on her arm to subtly speed them up as the music venue came into view.

"This is gonna be great, and we can go eat somewhere after because they don't even end late usually." Jun found herself over-explaining, hoping to get looks of happiness out of the two boys walking slightly behind her and Mei.

But she got nothing. Akaashi simply nodded at her words, and Sho had his eyes narrowed to the distance to really rub it in that he hadn't been listening to a single thing.

"I'm excited," Mei whispered for Jun to hear, giving her a childish grin that made Jun laugh and separate from her just to push her away jokingly.

"Sorry in advance if I ditch you."

Mei waved her hand through the air nonchalantly, taking small steps until she stood beside Akaashi, a hand resting above his elbow as she smiled down to Jun. "No worries! You have permission to ditch as soon as you see a cute band boy. I've got Akaashi here anyway."

Mei let her hand drop back to her side, and Jun felt her eyebrow quirk up just slightly as she observed the way Akaashi's hand grazed hers as he extended his fingers to reach hers.

"Isn't that the boy from that ice cream shop?" Mei asked suddenly, her hand quickly moving from beside Akaashi's and instead being used to direct everyone's attention to the front of the line.

What was that?

"Yeah, his brother's on drums. Why wouldn't he be here?" Sho scoffed as he crossed his arms across his chest, moving out of the short line and walking straight to where Nana stood.

Jun followed his movements with her eyes, widening them when she saw him enter the music venue nonchalantly after only a two minute conversation with Nana.

"See you guys. I'm gonna do the same thing." Jun turned to Mei and Akaashi, recoiling just slightly when she saw the two had been smiling at each other. "Or wanna come with?"

"We're alright with waiting in line, Jun." Mei answered for them, giving Akaashi a light pat on his chest as she smiled down at her friend. "Go flirt like your life depends on it."

"Again, Mei, there is more to me than that." Jun whined for a moment, quickly switching to a smile before turning and giving them a small wave. "But you're absolutely right. Let me go flirt."

She only heard light laughter come from Mei before she skipped her way to the front of the line, stopping when she stood in front of Nana.

"Oh, hey!" He greeted immediately, a smile overtaking his features when he peered down at Jun. "Did Natsu invite you?"

Jun huffed out a short laugh, crossing her arms before replying, "as if. You know he thinks I'm some sorta baby."

"Probably because you're younger than his baby brother."

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