Chapter 32

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Xavier's POV

I made the signal with my fingers discreetly.


I stopped the signal and knew it was just a matter of time before my men would flood the room we were in. I had trust in my men. Now I just had to be patient.

I averted my eyes away from Caleb for a split second to look at Sunny who was curled in a little ball looking scared to death. My heart broke. She did not deserve this.

I feared that after this she would be terrified of me.

"You want your god damn sister back Caleb! Drop the fucking gun! I'm the only one who knows where she is. If you kill me then you will never fucking find her!"

I watched my father try to remain in control. With two guns pointed at him, mine and Calebs, his fear showed through. At this moment, he was vulnerable, and he knew it.

A coward.

Just a few more seconds.


Caleb was right in every way.

A couple more seconds.

My heart fell to pieces staring at Sunny. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and shield her. She is petrified at what is going on in front of her.


Before Caleb could finish the sound of glass breaking and the door behind me cracking into pieces rang through the echoey room we were in.

It was time.

My fathers men where confused. A few removed there aim from Caleb into the direction of where the windows and door was breaking. Someone pulled a trigger. A stray bullet went flying in an unknown direction hitting one of my fathers men.

Bullets began flying everywhere.

My first thought was on Sunny.

I quickly ducked behind a piece of furniture just before a bullet came in my direction.

I had to make sure she was safe.

I made my way across the room using furniture as my shield. Eventually I made it to the other side of the room and looked desperately for Sunny. But I didn't see her.

My heart sped up and I felt like I could not breath.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a small form curled underneath a table. Sunny's head was buried in between her knees and her hand were covering her ears. Her form trembled.

The chaos going on around me and her at that moment seemed to deafen as I felt a wave of guilt splash over me. Why did I bring her into this? How could I be so selfish? She had already had a hard enough life and then I dragged her into my mess.

A bullet flew through the air from behind me only missing my shoulder my about an inch. I quickly turned around pulling out my gun.

One of my fathers men stood behind me aimed his gun directly at me. I aimed at him and pulled the trigger watching as he yelled in pain and dropped to the floor grasping his chest.

I turned back around to the situation at hand. I had to reach Sunny and get her out of here. I continued crawling and ducking behind furniture. Before finally I was directly in front of her. I ducked under the table next to her and pulled her close to me.

At first she struggled against me but once she looked up and saw who I was she calmed down and instead wrapped her arms around me.

"Xavier...I-I'm scared! I want t-to get out of h-here!"

Her scared and trembling voice broke me in a way that I had never been broke before. Tears drops fell from her cheeks and at that moment I realized that I was going to do anything in my power to get her out of here safely.

Even if it meant risking my own life.

"Listen to me, okay Sunny? You are going to get out of here safely as long as I am breathing. I am going to make sure nothing happens t-"

A bullet hit directly above the table we were under causing Sunny to scream.

I grabbed her and pulled her out from under the table before another bullet came flying towards it. My heart raced as I looked for an escape from the current situation we were in.

In front of us there was a small window. A normal person would not be able to easily fit through it but someone small like Sunny could easily crawl through.

"I'm going to get you out of here but you are going to have to listen to me okay, Sunny? I'm going to distract them and you are going to open and crawl through that window right there as fast as you can. Whatever you do do not look ba-"

"B-but what a-about you X-Xavier?" Her bottom lip quivered. "I'm s-scared I don't want to l-leave you!"

"I will be okay, Sunny. I promise, darling! Some of my men will be outside when you get there and I want you to run as fast as you can to them, okay?"

Her eyes that we filled with unused tears darted back and forth. In that moment everything seemed to freeze. The chaos that was going on around us meant nothing and it felt as though it was just me and her. We stared at each other.

I knew now that no matter what, I would do whatever it took to keep her safe and happy.

Even if it meant risking my own life or someone else's.

I finally had something...someone who gave me a purpose. A reason to wake up each morning. A reason to smile. A reason to live.

She was my reason.

Hi my little peaches 🍑

Long time no see right... soooooooo I missed y'all. A lot. I finally updated. Surprisingly. And I'm planning on updating again later on tonight which may come as a surprise to a lot of you. I hope you enjoy this chapter although it's short. There will only be about 1-2 more chapters left of this book before it will sadly come to the end. I may do an epilogue if there is a big enough demand for it. I love each and every one of y'all so so so much. Thank you all for the support you have shown my book. I love y'all.

Bye my little peaches 🍑

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