Chapter 28

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Xavier's POV

Sunny has felt horrible for the past few hours despite the medicine I gave her. Her tiny body shook in my arms. I rocked back and forth trying to lull her to sleep which would temporarily numb her from her sickness.

Occasionally, she would whimper and I would feel my heart completely shatter. Her breaths came out rapidly through her mouth since her nose was so stuffy.

Toby was laid at the end of the bed almost in a protective stance which was for Sunny of course considering the damn dog couldn't give a shit about me.

I leaned down and gave Sunny a small peck of the forehead. She was burning up which was worrying me. She was also constantly shaking and I felt helpless.

"Xavier?" Her voice shook.

"Yes, my love?" I gave her yet another kiss on her hot forehead.

"You w-will get sick i-if you k-keep holding me."

"I will be fine, sweetheart. Just let me take care of you right now."

Her tiny hands were gripped onto my t-shirt and her eyes would flutter closed for a few times before she would cough and cause them to open again.

We both laid there for a little bit with me rocking her back and forth until we were interrupted by my phone ringing. I cursed whoever it was in my head and picked up the phone.


I was interrupted by the gruff voice of my father, "We need some money!"

"That's not my damn problem." I was about to hang up before he yelled through the phone.

"Wait! You wouldn't want something happening to that Sunny of yours would you!" I put the phone back up to my ear.

"If you know what's best, you should keep her name out of your filthy mouth."

I heard him chuckle over the phone making me clench my fist.

"So your still attached to that slut aren't you? I suggest you hand us over some money before something happens to her."

My arm tightened around the small body on top of my chest that was now sleeping peacefully. Like hell I was going to let anything to her.

"You can go shove your empty threat back up your ass were it came from. You are going to go through hell and back before you can even touch a hair on her head and I'm not giving you and that gold digger a penny of my damn money either."

I heard the sound of the phone hitting something before it was picked up again.

"You are my fucking son and will obey my damn rules. What's yours is fucking mine also. In case you forgot I raised you into the man you are today and I can put you back where you came from. As for that 'gold digger', she is your stepmom and she will not be treated like a piece of garbage you found on the side of the street. We need that fucking money right now or that Sunny of yours is done for."

"In case you forgot I built up my own damn company and earned my own fucking money without the help of my deadbeat dad who left my mother for a leech. I'm not giving y'all money just because you can't afford rent for a house you couldn't pay for. You can keep telling that gold digger that one day you will convince me to give you shit but that won't fucking happen. And I would like to see you fucking try to get within ten feet of us." And with that I hung up and threw the phone across the room.

Sunny stirred slightly in my arms and I rubbed her back in a soothing manner to keep her from waking up. My hands clenched at my side and it took everything for me not to get up and punch something.

That bastard is finally running low on his "savings" and expects me to provide more money for him. Within time he will lose his house, his cars, and hopefully his gold digger of a wife. While that's happening I will sit and watch happily. It's what he deserves after cheating on his wife and leaving her to raise a son on her own in a small apartment without visiting or keeping in contact at all. Well that is until the son was 21 years old with one of the largest companies in the entire world.

And if he even thinks he will be able to touch Sunny than he has another thing coming for him. I will protect her with my life if I have to. I wrapped my arms tighter around Sunny and pushed her too my chest. No one will touch her.

I didn't realized Sunny had woken up till I heard a small cough.


"What is it, lovely? Do you want something?"

"Y-your squeezing m-me. I-I can't b-breath!"

"Oh." I quickly loosened my arms from around her and rest my hand on her back.

"Th-Thank you, Xavier."

"Your welcome, Angel." Always.


Hey my little peaches 🍑

Sooooo yesterday was my birthday and I really enjoyed it :))))) I had to run a race for Cross Country in the morning though but I did pretty well and got 2nd.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. We are slowly envying our way to the climax of the story so I hope you are excited.

Question of the day: Is there anything special you would like for your birthday. (It doesn't have to be an object. It can be pretty much anything.)

I hope everyone liked this chapter and school starts in around 9 or 10 days so I'm kind of crying inside.

Bye my little peaches 🍑

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