Chapter 21

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Xavier's POV

I unraveled my arms away from Sunny and leant down to her level. "Alright, will you tell me what you want to eat?" She nodded her head and ran off to the fridge. Surprised by her boldness I quickly walked over to her.

She opened the fridge and peered inside and stood on her tip toes to look at the top shelf. Finally she picked something out and turned around handing it to me. A pack of waffles. "C-can I have this?" She asked as if I could say no.

"Of course." I walked over two the toaster and popped in two waffles. One for me and one for her. She watched as I set the time on the toaster and walked back over to the fridge to grab the syrup.

She stood staring at the toaster in awe as I grabbed the plates. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.

"W-water?" I nodded my head and went to get her a water and me some headache pills.

When I came back she was still staring intently at the toaster. I sat the water on the table and went to the sink to take the pills. Sunny watched the toaster until it popped causing her to jump and take a step back.

I chuckled and walked over to the toaster to get the waffles out. Once I put them on the plates I put syrup on each one and started walking to the living room. Sunny followed behind and watched as I sat them on the table and turned the TV on. "Come sit down." I said gesturing to the couch. She did as she was told and sat down.

I placed the plate on her lap and sat down beside her taking my plate as well. I cut into my waffle and stuck a piece in my mouth. I looked over at Sunny who took her knife and started trying to murder her waffle. I sat my plate to the side and reached over grabbing the knife from her and started cutting her waffle before she stabbed herself which God knows what I would do. Once I was finished she muttered a thank you when I handed it back. She took a bite and closed her eyes in delight.

I picked my plate back up and turned my head back to the TV.

Sunny's POV

I ate the waffle and it was probably one of the most amazing things I have ever ate. Maybe even better than soup or peaches. It tasted like heaven. I was sad once I finished eating it. Xavier had finished long ago and was waiting for me. Once I did finish though he turned to me. "What would you like to do, love?"

"D-don't you have work?" I asked. I wouldn't want him to miss work because of me.

He shook his head. "I'm not going today, so we can do whatever you want!"

"I-I don't know what to d-do." I said.

Xavier nodded and looked like he was thinking about something. Finally he stood up. "Follow me." I followed him upstairs to his room and he walked to the closet. I didn't really understand what was happening so I stood quietly behind him. He then pulled out a fuzzy shirt and some jeans as well as a puffy jacket.

"Put this on!" He said. I snatched the clothes from him and ran to the bathroom. Slipping the clothes on I bundled myself in the coat and stepped out to see Xavier freshly changed in a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a heavy jacket.

"Come!" He said. I nodded and followed him till we reached the front door. He opened it and my eyes widened when I looked outside. It was snowing! I loved snow!

Completely ditching Xavier I ran past him and hopped in the snow. There was not too much but it was enough to go up to my ankles. I heard the sound of snow crunching behind me and turned around to see Xavier leaning down to my level.

"Do you like the snow little one?" I nodded smiling at him and he smirked back. I didn't understand his mischievous look till I felt cold snow drop onto my head and some falling down my back. I shivered at the feeling of it running down my back and a look of surprise went across my face. He put snow on me.

I quickly took a handful of snow and lightly tossed it on him. I had to get him back. The snow splashed against his face and chest. He looked down at me with the same look he had before. I quickly sat up and tried to crawl away but didn't get to far because a snow ball hit me in the back causing me to go face first in the snow.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and pick me up out of the cold snow. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard!Are you okay?" Xavier asked worried. I stayed quiet and slowly picked up some snow while he looked over my body for injuries. When he look back up I put my arms above his head and dropped the snow over him.

His hair was dotted white with flakes of snow and a couple fell on his eyelashes and nose. His face morphed into surprise and I giggled. He looked silly with the snow all over him. He then looked back down at me and smirked. "You want to play it that way? Okay then!" Before he could pick up the snow I pulled out of his arms and ran as quick as I could.

A snowball barely zoomed past my shoulder and barely missed my head. I giggled and leant down to pick of a snowball before turning and throwing it at Xavier.

A While Later

I sat down on the snow and looked at the amazing creations. All around the huge front yard was snowman after snowman after snowman. After I got tired of running and throwing snow at Xavier I made a snowman and as crazy as it may seem Xavier even helped. Soon we had covered the whole yard with snowmen.

I had an amazing time but I felt myself growing tired and the jacket was no longer keeping me warm. I felt my self shiver. "I think it's about time we go in before someone catches a cold." Xavier said. He wrapped his arms around me and plucked me out of the snow before wrapping me up in his arms. I felt him carry me in the house and lay me down on the couch which was right by the large fireplace making me gain warmth back in my fingers and rest of my body.

I felt my jacket being stripped off and a blanket being draped over my tired form before I drifted off into a cozy sleep.


Hi my little peaches 🍑

So tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I could not be any more excited. I really do hope that every single one of you have an amazing Christmas or whatever else you may celebrate.

I am very happy to say I did a fantastic job on my exams. My lowest grade was a 97 and my highest was a 103. I'm very happy they are over and now I have a whole two weeks of Christmas break.

This chapter was pretty sucky but I trying to edit some of the chapters since they have a LOT of mistakes on them.

Question of the day: Favorite food to eat during the holidays (mine is those Pillsbury ready to bake Christmas cookies because those are the freaking bomb)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a great rest of the holiday season! Btw, if you would like to ever contact me you can do so on my Instagram account @itscaitlinb

By my little peaches 🍑

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