Chapter 7

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Warning: Slight mature content up ahead. Read at own risk!

Xavier's POV

I softly laid her on my bed careful not to wake her up. I covered her tiny body with the blanket and tucked her in. Despite my gentle behavior I was fuming. How dare Caleb let her play a game like that.
Was it not obvious she didn't need to see the type of stuff that happens in that game.

I was walking down to get myself a glass of water and when I walked past the game room I heard crying. When I walked in and saw the fear in her eyes I was livid.  My first thought was that Caleb had tried to make a move on her and right then and there I was about to punch him despite him being my friend.

I looked down at the tiny sleeping beauty in front of me. Ever since she's got here she's slept a lot. It's not like I care though. I find it adorable. I watched as she moved her arms and grabbed the pillow next to her pushing it close to her chest mumbling about soup in the process. I reached my hand up to her face to wipe the stray tears off her cheeks.

Tomorrow I need to go to work since I have missed two days already. I've had my assistant take care of any business that was going on while I was gone. Since I still don't trust Sunny not to run away I plan on taking her with me. I also need to get her some clothes since she's been wearing that hoodie for who knows how long. When she wakes up I'll let her take a nice warm shower then change into something.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to call one of my servants. "Good evening sir!" I heard over the phone.

"I need clothes for a very small woman. Probably small enough to fit a 10 year old! And I need them in 5 hours!" I said into the phone and ended it. My servants know I don't like to repeat myself and are taught to never ask me to.

I looked down at little one who was starting to stir in her sleep. I cursed at myself for being so loud over the phone and disrupting her. I softly reached down and stroked her hair lulling her back to sleep making sure not to pull any strands.

When I heard her soft snores I pulled my hand away and started observing her. She had a tiny waist but as you got lower her cute little ass rounded up perfectly. Just imaging what it looked like without her hoodie made my mini me perk up. Now I was going to have to take another cold shower.

Surely I would be her first. The thought of someone else's finger touching her between her soft thighs or kissing her plumps lips made me furious. Someone else listening to her moaning beneath him while pumping into her as she dug her hands into the sheets. No! Only I can have the honor of doing that to her.

I would make love to her like no other man would. I would be sure every inch of her body was glorified like the princess she is. I would make sure the maids and servants knew who she belonged to.

My lower region was throbbing painfully. I needed to do something about it before she woke up. I walked into the bathroom and unbuttoned my pants.

Sunny's POV

Soup! I bolted up from the bed. Someone took my soup! I looked around realizing that it was just a dream and that no one actually took my bowl of soup. I calmed down slightly and slowly got off the bed and stretched. Memories of what happened with Caleb and Xavier hit me like a truck. The way Xavier grabbed me off the couch like I weighed nothing and carried me to his room.

Were is he anyways? I looked around the large room searching for him. I noticed the door at the right of the room was closed. He must be in there. My stomach growled loudly. I was really hungry. While he's in there I might as well sneak downstairs quickly and grab a snack without anyone knowing. I quietly opened the door careful not to be too loud.

I stepped outside the door and tip toed my way to the stair. I softly walked down them and finally when I reached the end ran to the kitchen. All the lights were off so I had to use the cabinets to guide myself to the fridge. Finally I felt the handle. Bingo! I pulled the fridge open and grabbed the first thing I saw. A juicy peach. I quickly shut the fridge and ran back up the stairs up to Xavier's room which I had come to memorize were it is at. Before I could touch the door handle the door slammed open hitting the wall with a loud bang and revealing a furious looking Xavier.

When he saw me his demeanor calmed slightly. "We're the fu- heck did you go!" He yelled.

I flinched slightly. "I-I was hungry an-and I really w-w-wanted food." I said as my bottom lip started quivering. I was such a crybaby why can't I just toughen up.

When he noticed I was about to cry he grabbed me and pulled me to his chest. "Hey, it's okay. It's just I didn't know were you were and was worried you had tried to run away again and I was scared. Please don't cry little one." He said softly while stroking my hair.

"C-can I Please eat m-my peach?" I asked quietly after a minute of him setting their petting me.

"Of course little one. You don't even have to ask." As soon as he said that I bit into the peach loving the way it tasted. I wasn't used to eating like this. Having food every day. Normally I would eat maybe twice a week.

I stood there in Xavier's arms quickly devouring the peach. It was so good. Finally I finished it and looked up at Xavier. "All done!" I said content now that my tummy was full.

"Good there's a trash can right over there that you can throw it away in." I walked over to the trash can and threw away the remaining peach before walking back to Xavier.

"Now it's time for you to go to bed little one because we have somewhere to go tomorrow." I nodded my head confused. We were going to go somewhere? I wonder where? I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the bed snuggling into the covers.

I felt Xavier slide in next to me. Before I knew it I drifted into a deep sleep with soup and peaches being my final thought.


Sorry for the late update my little peaches!

I'm planning on making an updating schedule! Also are you enjoying the book?

I was looking the other day and realize I don't have a good cover for the book and I really need one. Sooooo if by any chance any of y'all are good at making covers and would like to make one for me it would be greatly appreciated. It needs to have the name of the book. If any of you do happen to make one you can contact me through my Instagram: @itscaitlinb 

Anyways my little peaches see you in the next update 🍑❤️🍑❤️

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