Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes and let them readjust to the harsh light. When they finally did I looked around at my surrounding. I was in an unfamiliar room. Suddenly memories flooded back about getting caught and passing out. I slowly turned my head and was met with eyes staring straight back at me.

I squealed loudly and leaned back only to fall off the bed straight on my back. Ouch...I stood up quickly and backed up away from the bed. He chuckled deeply and stood up from the bed. This man was still here and it wasn't a dream.

He stalked toward me as if I was the prey and he was the predator. This was it for me. He was going to take the gun that was laying on the floor right now and shoot my brains out.

He was still walking toward me slowly and silently. When he finally reached me his hand reached up. Thinking he was going to hit me I flinched away. I clenched my eyes bracing for impact but when I didn't feel any pain I slowly raised my head up.

The man stared at me with anger. He looked livid. If looks could kill I would be dead right now. He was probably planning my death right now. I hope he will have mercy and make it quick and painless.

"Who are you and why did you break into my house." He said so calmly it was scary. I kept quiet. "Well...speak up." He said. I looked up to meet his eyes. His eyes were daring me to say nothing and that's just what I did. Finally after about 5 minutes of just staring at each other he smirked. "You want to play it that way do you.

He slowly turned around and reached down. As he did so the muscles on his back flexed. He slowly stood back up this time with the shiny gun in his hand. He looked back at me with the evil glint in his eye. My hands shook out of fear.

He slowly raised the gun up and aimed it straight at me. "Now I'll give you three second to tell me your name or else I'll blow your head off. Ready?"



"On-" he started.

"S...s...Sunn-y" I said in a very light voice. I haven't used my voice in such a long time and it almost sounded foreign to me. The man looked at me. His eyes held something. He eyed me up and down before finally smirking again.

"So the little thief does talk." He said. I shivered at the deepness of his voice.

"Why did you break in?" He asked.

"I...was H...h...hung-r...y...y." I whispered. If this wasn't embarrassing enough my stomach suddenly rumbled very loudly. My cheeks flushed and I felt them burn.

A deep chuckle was heard. "Do you want something to eat little one?" The man asked. I very slowly shook my head. The man then moved over slightly and motioned toward his bed.

"Go ahead." On top of his bed was the food I had stole. I slowly walked over towards it. It's probably a trap. He probably poisoned it when I was asleep.

With this thought I halted in my steps and put my head down. "Well are you not going to get some?" He asked. I kept my head down and looked at my bare feet instead as if they were the most interesting thing in the world right now.

"I'm...n..ot hu-ng...g...gry anym...m..more." I said

"Bullshit!" The man yelled loudly causing me to jump.

"You are clearly hungry! I am not dumb. Now get your ass over there and eat some!" I jumped up quickly and scurried over to the bed.

I looked at all the food. I chose a small piece of bread because it would probably be harder to poison and took a small nibble of it. I wanted to moan at the taste but since a stranger was standing right behind me I decided against it. I took a slightly bigger piece and took a much larger bite. It was so good I devoured a hole loaf in around 30 seconds.

I kept eating forgetting about the scary man behind me. I decided to grab a peach. I bit into it letting out a small moan as the juice went down my throat cooling it. I reached up my hand to stop the little dribble of juice from running down my chin. Finally when I had devoured most the food and was full I heard someone chuckling behind me.

I jumped finally remembering that there still was some strange man behind me. I turned around guiltily. He was probably mad I ate all his food. Maybe he only meant for me to eat a piece of bread and that's it. Oh I was really dead now. "For such a little thing you have a big appetite don't you?" He chuckled once again. Suddenly I saw foot steps stalk towards me.

I felt a hand grip my chin and pull my head up. The man looked at me and smirked mecheviously. He let go of my chin. Suddenly the door in which I was standing by bursted open causing me to be knocked by it and falling. I landed straight onto my butt. I felt my eyes tear up at the pain where the door hit.

I looked up at the man who opened the door to see him look surprised. "What the fuck! Do you not know how to knock you son of a bitch. She was standing by the door and you fucking knocked her down!" The strange man yelled.

The man at the door coward in fear. "I'm sorry master it's just I was sent to tell you that your booked to fly to Paris next month for the business meeting wi-"

The man who opened the door tried to finish but before he could the man that caught me interrupted him. "I do not give a fuck! Go and get the fuck out!" He yelled.

The man looked down in fear and shook his head. "Yes sir!" And quickly scurried off. The man shut door and turned around. All was silent for awhile and I lay on the floor afraid to get yelled at if I stood. During this time I felt my eye lids start to get heavy. I lay my head on my knees and shut them. I wouldn't fall asleep I would just lay here for a minute till I wasn't tired anymore.

Suddenly I felt my self being picked up into warms arms. I struggled trying to get out of his hold. "Stop!" He said. The one word made me freeze and calm down. I felt myself being dropped onto the soft bed I woke up on.

"Go to sleep. We will talk more in the morning." I heard a voice say. I then felt warm finger brush my hair off my forehead till all went dark.


Xavier's POV

I watched her snuggle into the blankets. She was so adorable. I had only known her for around 2 hours so what was this weird feeling I was feeling. I quietly walked back towards the bed and started to lay down.

She was going to be terrified in the morning when she saw me sleeping beside her. I smirked. It was worth it though to see her cute face turn into a look of confusion. I lay down under the covers. As much as I didn't want to I made sure not to get to close to her. I knew how she would be uncomfortable if she woke up with someone she didn't even know spooning her.

I looked down at the foot of the bed at the food she left. Watching her eat was adorable. The way she ate it quickly and the way she moaned. I felt my pants tighten at the thought. It would have ended much better if that stupid man didn't barge in and hurt the girl. I remember the way her eyes teared up when she fell down and how her face held a look of pain in it.

I clenched my first under the cover. When she wakes up I need to check and make sure she doesn't have any major injuries. Why do I fucking care so much? I turned my head to look at her. She was so adorable and tiny. She was pretty much swimming in the blankets. I slowly closed my eyes with her being my last thought.

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