Chapter 2

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I clenched my eyes shut hoping I was just dreaming. For the first time ever I was caught. I had never been caught before. Not even seen.

My hands trembled rapidly as I felt the mans hand tighten around my wrist. For awhile it was quiet till suddenly a heard a deep bone chilling voice right next to my ear. "Who are you working for!" The strange man said into my ear.

Out of fear I quickly shook my head. This man thought I was a spy. He growled into my ear. His deep voice echoed as if it was going through my bones. "Don't lie spy!" His voice rumbled.

If it was even possible I started shaking even more. I was so caught up in my fear I didn't realize he let go of my wrist until I felt a strong grin on my chin. "Open your eyes!" As if on cue my eyes snapped open. In front of me all I saw was a bare chest. My eyes widened slightly. This man was as tall as a tree. Out of fear I kept staring at his chest.

The cold metal of the gun was still against my head and it sure didn't calm my fears any. The hand on my chin tightened but still not enough to be painful. "Look at my face!" He said. I was frozen though and considered staring at his bare chest. Suddenly his hand pushed up my chin and in less than a second I was staring at two grey orbs.

A small gasp emitted from my lips. This man had cheekbones that could cut brick. He had stunning red lips and pretty much every other part of him was perfect.

To be able to look at him all the way I had to bend my head up pretty far. This man was very tall. Way over 6 foot. For me I am only 4,10. When I was little I was very tiny and even now I still small.

The man looked directly at me and I squirmed under his burning gaze. "Your a tiny thing aren't you...whoever sent you didn't send their best did they." He said and smirked down at me.

Suddenly I felt his hands on my shoulders and I was flipped around faster than the speed of lightning. My stomach was pressed against the wall and I was pushed tight up against it. I felt the small backpack I was wearing being roughly ripped of my back. My food! He can't take it.

I quickly turned around and grabbed hold of it before he could take it away. Me and him were both holding both sides of it and I started pulling as hard as I could trying to get it out of his hands. When I looked at him I could clearly see he wasn't fazed by it because he just sat there smirking at me. I gripped it tighter and pulled with all my might trying to get it out of his hands but it was no use. Suddenly he gripped my wrist and lightly pulled it off taking the bag away from me and putting it over his head.

I was going to die. If this man wasn't going to kill me than the lack of food was. I was staring to feel lightheaded. The man then turned around and started opening my bag. "Let's see what you have in here shall we." He unzipped it and peered inside.

I would turn around now and run but I knew it would be no use because 1. He's probably around ten times faster than I am and 2. I will probably faint if I run.

So is at there behind him patiently watching him rummage through my bag. Finally after around 5 minutes he turned around and stared at me. "So your not a spy are you? Your just a little thief." I looked at him with curious eyes waiting for him to do something. "How did you get in. We have guards all around the mansion. You must be working with one aren't you?" He started walking close to me to the point we're I had no space to move.

My arms trembled slightly. I felt my body start to get weak. I needed food right now. My mind was foggy. I good hear the man screaming at me but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. All of a sudden I felt my knees start to give out. "Are you okay?" I heard a voice ask before I collapsed to the ground. Warm arms wrapped around me. Black dots started clouding my vision and before I knew it darkness consumed me.


Xavier's POV

Her tiny body fell into my arms. I bundled the little thief in my arms and walked to my bed. I softly lay her down making sure not to hurt her. What am I doing. I'm helping a girl who stole from my own mansion. If it was any other person right now they would be dead so why did I not want to even think of letting this thief get hurt.

I softly moved back the hair from her eyes. She was so tiny and frail I was afraid even the slightest touch could hurt her. She was so light also. I looked over at the food that I had taken out of her bag. Different assortment of breads and fruit lay scattered over the sheets. They clearly belonged to me.

My eyes wandered over to her wrists. Slight bruises were starting to form were I was gripping to hard. I quickly get softly grabbed her wrist and stroked over the bruises carefully with my thumb. It made me angry at the thought that I hurt the little vixen. What am I doing?

My eyes slowly trailed back up to her face. Her skin was almost sickly pale but still she was stunning. Her long hair traveled down all the way to her tiny waist and the large hoodie she was wearing was raised up slightly to reveal the short shorts she was wearing.

Was I going mental? Here I was admiring a girl that broke into my home. It's probably a funny sight to see the one of the richest men in the world watching a criminal.

I stood up from the bed and walked to my closet slipping a plain t-shirt and some pants on before turning back around towards the girl.

Was this girl really a criminal? The thought of her tiny frame in an orange jump suit was quite amusing actually. The thought of her stumbling around in a too big of a jumpsuit was dare I say...adorable. Then I thought of the men that would surround her and bother her. They would want to see what a little innocent thing like her would feel and taste like.

The thought made me feel weird. There's no way she could stand being in prison for a day. I could never do that. It would be like throwing a baby in a cage of lions. No one would be there to protect her.

Woah...I had only known this girl for around 30 minutes. She hasn't even spoken a word yet I feel a strong possessiveness over her. What was wrong with me.

As soon as she woke up I would need to feed her. She looked like she hasn't ate in awhile. After that she would need more rest. I'll find some way to get her to talk. I'll find out why she broke into my house and tease her a little about it. Oh won't it be funny to see her adorable little flushed face and her lower lip pouted out slightly. The thought made me smirk.

I lay there for around an hour thinking about what I was going to say to her after she woke up when suddenly I felt a small movement beside me.

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