Chapter 4

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Sunny's POV

I rubbed my eyes groggy trying to adjust to my surroundings. I looked over to my side and saw the man from yesterday laying asleep beside me. My eyes widened a little. I just slept next to the guy that caught me stealing. I slowly stood up from the bed. If I was quiet enough I could sneak out while he was sleeping.

I tip toed over to the door quietly carful not to awake the sleeping giant on the bed. I slowly reached out towards the handle. Just as I touched it I felt hands wrap around my waist and I was thrown over a shoulder. I let out a small squeal. "Not today little one." I heard him say just as I was tossed onto to the bed like a sack of potatoes. I bounced a little a couple times and then looked up at the man.

He smirked at me as I looked at him guiltily. I felt like a kid who just got caught with there hands in the cookie jar. "Your a sneaky little thing aren't you!" He said. I put my head down and just looked at my thighs.

"Your lucky I haven't called the authorities on you yet." At this I jerked my head up. This man could throw me in jail if he wanted. What would I do in jail. The thought of my self in a dirty cell surrounded by perverted men and woman made me cringe.

"I won't though. It would be more fun if I took care of you myself." He smirked.

I took in a breath of relief and looked up to the man. He looked down at me cockily clearly happy that he was the one in charge right now. I was like a child being watched over by their parent. Then I saw him reach towards me and snake his long fingers around my wrist. "Come!" As if in a trance I quickly stood up and walked with the man. His arm pulled me along side of him and we walked towards the door I tried to escape out of.

He pulled it open and pulled me along. I was pulled towards the stairs I came up last night and into the huge living area. His hand slightly loosened from my wrist. I took this as a chance to unhook myself from him and rush over to what I'm guessing was the front door. I turned around but before I could take more than four steps I crashed straight into a chest. 

I fell down on my butt and quickly looked up frustrated that my chances of escaping were running. I furrowed my eyebrows up at the man I bumped into. The man looked at me with the same expression. We probably stared at each other like that for awhile before the man I bumped into looked away from me and looked up toward the man that caught me. "Well Xavier who might this be." The man asked. Xavier...

"I don't think that's any of your business Caleb." Xavier replied clearly annoyed at the man.

"Hey, no need to get your panties in a twist. I just wasn't expecting someone so adorable and stunning to crash into me." The man looked back down towards me.

"What's your name love?" I looked up at the man debating whether or not I should tell him.

"She doesn't want to tell you." I heard Xavier say.

I turned around to look at him. His fists were clenched and he looked kind of mad. "Well now Xavier I think she can speak for herself. I'll start though, hi my name is Caleb and I'm this cranky mans friend, and who might you be?" He asked. I thought about whether or not I should tell him.

Finally deciding that it wouldn't hurt anything I quietly said my name. "S-Sunny Rae." My voice was very quiet but loud enough to be heard by both the men. I heard a growl but I was scared to look behind me afraid of what I would see.

"Woah I have never heard a name like that before. It's so unique and beautiful, just like you. Anyways Sunny it was very nice to meet you. I have a meeting with a friend of mine but I hope to see you again sometime." And with that Caleb walked out the front door.

I heard the door slam. Now it was just me sitting quietly on the floor and a heavily breathing giant behind me. I kept facing the front afraid to turn around. Finally after a few moments of silence the giant decided to speak up. "Now that that's over with follow me." Without giving me a choice I felt my self being picked up and sat softly on my feet.

I felt a firm but soft grip on my forearm. "Wouldn't want to take anymore chances with you running away would we."

I was then dragged along behind Xavier. I was dragged all the way to the place I came in at. The kitchen. I was then forcefully put into a chair which was pushed into a big table. "Now stay here and don't even think of getting your fucking ass up because I promise I will catch you and you WILL be punished. Got it?" I quickly nodded my head. "Good!" And with that he walked over to the fridge.

I watched as he pulled out different ingredients and sat them on the counter. He pulled out cans, fruits, different seasonings, cheese, and different meats. After he pulled it all out he turned around to check on me. Finally content that I wasn't up and running out the door he turned around muttering something that sounded like "good girl" as he did so.

I sat at the table quietly afraid I would get in trouble if I was too loud. I looked around for something to fiddle around with finally finding the end of the table cloth. I pulled and fiddled trying to get myself busy. I don't know how long I was playing around for but as I started getting bored a bowl full of liquid with different vegetables floating on top was placed in front of me. I looked up at the man in confusion. What was I supposed to do with this?

"Eat up." Was all the man said. Wait this was for me to eat. I looked at the man who had sat down in front of me with an equally filled bowl sat in front of him. I watched as he picked up the silverware and put it in his bowl. Then he slowly took it back out, blew on it and then put it in his mouth.

I looked down at the liquid in my bowl. Beside it was a spoon.

I dipped the spoon in my bowl, blew on it, and put in mouth.

As soon as I put it in my mouth my tongue tingled. I had never in my life tasted something so amazing. The way flavors exploded into my mouth made me moan. Quickly I shoveled the rest of the substance in my mouth. Before I knew it I had ate the entire thing that was in the bowl all while Xavier was standing beside me. I looked up embarrassed.

He looked cockily at me. After muttering something along the lines of "cute" he walked back over to where he was sitting before. When he sat down and got situated he looked at me amused. "Well as cute that was I now have some important matter to discuss with you. It may take awhile so get comfy." I didn't like the sound of that one bit but hesitantly I sat comfortably in the seat mentally bracing myself for what was to come.

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