Chapter 13

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The authors not at the end tells a little bit about why I have not posted if you would like to check it out ❤️

Xavier's POV

I shut the door behind me and glared at Caleb who started the car. Caleb smiled back and pulled out of the driveway. I turned around and looked at Sunny who genuinely looked scared. Did I actually scare her. I didn't mean to. I was mad at Caleb not her. She had a look of fear on her face making me frown.

"So...what do you want to do at the park?" I asked her. She jumped at my voice and shrugged. "I-I don't know. I have not b-been to one I-in awhile."

"I know what we can do first!"

"Can't you shut your damn mouth for two seconds Caleb!" I said glaring at him. We drove in silence for awhile until we finally arrived at the park. I jumped out and opened the door for Sunny. She stepped out and looked at the park. The park had been here for awhile and was very popular. There was a bunch of kids and adults here.

I grabbed her hand in mine completely forgetting about Caleb and walked into to park. Suddenly Sunny let go of my hand and ran off somewhere. "Sunny!" I followed behind her. She stopped by the swings and pointed at them. "C-can I do the swings?" She asked. I nodded and she hopped on one of the swings. Beside her was a kid around the age of 10 who was swinging and kicking her feet in the air. Sunny turned her head and watched her. She then started to kick her feet like the kid was to start swinging but couldn't. After many failed attempts she put her head down and started to stand up from the swing.

Quickly I jumped behind her. "Sit back down." I said. She did as she was told and I started pushing her on the swing. She giggled a little and soon her giggles turned into full blown laughs which was music to my ears. Soon she started to get bored of the swings and hopped off. She ran over to the slide and started to climb it. I made sure to stay behind her making sure she didn't fall. She slid down the slide happily and landed at the bottom. She played with some other equipment dragging me along with her before finally getting bored. She walked over to me panting from playing. "I-I'm done!" She said.

"Okay, how about we go find Caleb." I said even though I would much rather just leave. She nodded her head and I grabbed her hand. We walked around and finally saw Caleb by an ice cream truck talking to some women. I rolled my eyes. Classic Caleb. Sunny, to my disapproval, let go of my hand and ran to Caleb. I thought Caleb would be too caught up with the women but instead when he saw Sunny running towards him he shooed the women away and turned to Sunny. The women glared at little one and scoffed walking away.

He started talking to her but I was to far away to hear. I saw her rapidly nod her head and then Caleb turned and walked to the ice cream truck with Sunny following is pursuit. That fucker was going to buy her ice cream. I could of did that for her. Sunny pointed at one of the flavors of ice cream and Caleb nodded his head while pulling out some money. They finally got there ice cream and started their way towards me. Sunny had a massive smile on her face and licked her ice cream which I thought was adorable.

"Are you ready to go?" Caleb asked while putting his arm around Sunny's shoulders. God how I just want to cut Caleb's ba- "Yes!" Sunny said happily and started her way to the car. Caleb followed behind her and I trailed behind him. We all got in the car but this time I got in the back seat with Sunny. She had finished her ice cream and I noticed how her eyes were getting droopy. I quickly pulled her head to lay on my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

Her head slowly dropped towards my shoulder and I lay my head on her head. "Aw aren't y'all just the cutest!" Caleb said in an annoying high pitched voice. I glared at him trying to make him shush before we woke Sunshine up. Finally we pulled up to the mansion and instead of waking little one up I simply carried her bridal style inside the mansion and up to my bedroom. I assumed Caleb was just going to leave.

It was around 9:00 pm and normally I usually go to bed around 3:00 am due to the amount of work I had. Instead I climbed in beside Sunny and lay her on top of my chest. She stirred a little and straddled me.

Her tiny snores were so peaceful to listen to. I had never wanted to listen to something more. Her tiny hands were balled into fists which I quickly unraveled. I gazed down and her long lashes which fluttered slightly as she took each breath. Here I was laying in bed with a girl I've known for about a week and that's not a one night stand.

She's so much more than a one night fuck and I barely know her. Hell, I can't even tell you her favorite color. At some point I have to get to know her. Tomorrow I have to go work and this time actually stay since I'm very behind in paper work. I sighed and lightly stoked her hair which seems to calm me instantly. Her curly locks were like waves which flowed from her head.

I could look through every single one and never get bored.  She stirred slightly and let out a soft moan making my little me stir up. I gripped her hand in my hand and tried to ignore it.

My eyes started to get heavy and I let them close. For once I wasn't bombarded with work and staying up till morning. I was laying in bed with a girl. I slowly drifted off to one of the best sleeps of my life.


Hey my peaches 🍑 this chapter was pretty boring and I'm sorry. It was also pretty weird. Be sure to comment and tell me any improvements I can make.

Anyways. I wanted to apologize for not posting in awhile. This week has been very hectic and I've had something to do pretty much every day. School, football games, lake, work, and church is pretty much what I've had to do 24/7 this whole week and I'm sooooooooo sorry. I literally had no time to even be on my phone since I basically had to get done with whatever I was doing that day and then go to bed. I hope y'all can forgive me.

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and feel free to ask me ANY questions about the book or even personal questions. I'll be happy to answer. I love y'all soooo much and thank y'all so much for the support. Love youuu ❤️

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