Chapter 5

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I sat there quietly waiting for him to speak. His judging eyes calculated my every movement making me squirm in my seat. Finally he decided to speak. "So, lets start off with an easy question. Where are you from?" I stood there looking at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest. Where was I from? This should be one of the easiest question a person should ever answer yet here I was thinking long and hard about it.

Do I say I'm from the streets? From an abusive home? I don't know. I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say. Apparently this was the wrong move because I heard a groan of annoyance. "How do you not know where you are from?" He growled out.

"Okay we will try another old are you?" This was an easy one.

Despite living on the streets I always kept up with my birthdays. "18!" I said with confidence.

I was proud. I was fully an adult an did not have to run from the law for being a minor. I flashed a smile to show my happiness. "You have the height of a 9 year old though." I heard him mutter making my smile turn into a from. It wasn't my fault I was tiny. Ever since I was a child I was small.

"How tall are you? 4,0?" He said and chuckled.

I crossed my arms over my chest. I was short yes but that didn't mean he could make fun of me. "4,10!" I said kicking my feet.

At this he burst out laughing. I felt my cheek start to burn. "Y-your so s-short!" He said in between laughs. "I'm over a foot taller than you!" He said laughing.

I waited patiently for him to get done meanwhile fiddling around with the table cloth. After awhile he finally stopped. "Okay shorty lets get on to the next you know who I am?" What type of question was that? Did this man just expect me to know him. All I know is his name is Xavier and he is a giant compared to me.

"X-Xavier?" I said questionably. I didn't know what else to say.

"Is that all?" He asked. A look of confusion was spread over his face. I awkwardly shook my head yes. I didn't know what he wanted me to say.

"That's nonsense, if you really don't know who I am than what made you break into my mansion."

At this I kind of just shrugged. "First h-house I s-saw." I said.

I would have did the same if it were any other house also. "So you have no clue who I am." He asked. I shook my head.

He looked at me and smirked. "So, you just broke into a random persons mansion that was heavily guarded and didn't even give it a second thought?" I shook my head once again.

"Okay well does Xavier Black ring a bell?" He asked. Xavier Black?

That name sounded so familiar like I had heard it before. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Finally giving up I shook my head. He looked frustrated. "Xavier Black the hot billionaire." Suddenly something clicked. I remember where I saw that name now. When I was walking around one day last month a man had dropped a piece of paper. Curious I remember picking it up and trying to read it.

I distinctly remember the picture of the man hiding behind dark shades with his arm draped around a girl who looked like an exact model of Barbie. Xavier Black saw with another girl today walking out of the restaurant "Buon Pane" exactly at 5:26 P.M. Could this be just a common acquaintance or perhaps a potential lover?

This was the eyes widened and I felt myself shiver. I knew this guy was dangerous. He could have me killed in the snap of his fingers. Or perhaps he'll do it his self. He could easily do it especially with the size difference. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I know I didn't have the best life but that didn't mean I wanted to die. A sob racked my body till finally I just burst out crying. Crying for being caught, for being abused, for not having a place to live, and finally for me most likely being killed in a few minutes.

I heard the sound of a chair being knocked over which made me cry even more. He was probably mad at me for crying and making such a mess of myself. Now he was going to make sure to kill me slow and painfully. Oh god does he still have the gun?

I fisted my hoodie waiting to feel pain. Instead though I felt arms wrap around my small frame and felt myself being picked up and then sat back down on someone's lap. I squirmed trying to get away but failing miserably because of the tight hold on my waist. Finally after 5 minutes of squirming I felt exhausted and let my body fall limp. "Sh-sh-sh" the man shushed softly. "Now what was that little tantrum of yours for." The man asked. Should I tell him? It wouldn't hurt.

I took a deep breath and started talking. "Y-you are going t-t-to kill me and-" I couldn't finish because I bursted out crying again.

I was so pathetic. Why couldn't I just be strong for once. "Hey, listen to me. I'm not going to kill you, believe it or not I have a heart. As long as your here no one will hurt you. Plus what would be the fun in killing you when I could just tease and embarrass you." He said.

"Now dry those little tears up. I have made up my mind that for now you are staying here at my house till I find out more about you. You will be staying at the guest room right beside my room. I will supply you with clothes and you will have 3 meals a day." He stated.

"Also you are to not run away. It was you who broke into my house so I have full control over you. If you are caught sneaking out you will be punished, got it?" This was a lot to take in. I could live with a guy I stole from. I haven't had a real roof over my head since I was ten.

I could sleep on a real soft bed and eat good food. I shook my head shyly towards the man. "Good! Now I have more soup, would you like some more little one?" Im guessing he meant the liquid I ate before so I happily nodded.

It was one of the best things I have very tasted anyway and I couldn't wait
to have more. "Your going to have to get off my lap first shorty." He chuckled.

Ignoring the nickname he gave me I slid of his lap onto the floor. He stood up and walked over towards a big pot grabbing my bowl in the process. Finally after waiting what felt like an eternity he finally sat the bowl in front of me. I dug in straight away while thinking this is going to be my life for awhile.


Ayyy what up beautiful peaches 🍑 Are y'all enjoying the book?

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I love y'all soooooooooooooo much ❤️❤️❤️ Have a peachy🍑 day.

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