Chapter 17

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Xavier's POV

"Wh-What?" She stuttered.

So cute. "Thank you for staying by my side." My voice was muffled since I had my face buried into her shoulder causing her to squirm.

"I-it's okay." She said. I pulled my face away from her shoulder and raised up to my full height just so I could see her blush. God how I could just kiss her- wait what?

"Sir, your photo shoot is tomor- Oh god, I am so sorry!" A butler stood at the end of the stairs looking as red as a tomato. From the position me and Sunny were in it probably looked like we were about to kiss.

Sunny hid her face into my side. She knew what it looked like we were doing also. "I-it's n-not hw-what you thi-think." Sunny voice was muffled from my side.

"Um I believe I will make my leave now sir and- um, ma'am." Good. I couldn't help but think about what would of happened if he didn't make an entrance. Fucker.

"J-just remember sir, you have your photo shoot a-at 10:00 in the morn-"

"I got it!"

"O-okay, I-I will leave now!" And with that he stalked off. I looked down at Sunny who still looked like a tomato. A cute tomato. Shut up!

I grasped her shoulder and peeled her off of me. "Since we don't have anything else to do, would you like to watch a movie?" I asked. She shook her head yes so, I grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind me.

I pulled her along to the back of my home which is were all the cool rooms were at like the game room, the extra lounge room, the man cave, and finally the theater room which is were we were going right now.

Finally we arrived to the room and I open the door. Usually I don't go in this room a lot because what's the point in watching a movie all alone. It's not like I'm going to bring one of my one night stands in here. It's called one night stands for a reason. The only people who use the room is Caleb and usually guests that come over for a business party or something. Other than that it's usually empty.

"Come on." I said to Sunshine even though I was basically forcing her to come since I was dragging her behind me. She followed behind quietly though. I walked to the drawer with all the movies were in.

I turned around and looked at her but she was busy looking around in amazement at the huge screen and multiple chairs setting in front of it. It was an exact replica of a theater. It even had a popcorn machine in the back corner. "You like it?" I asked her.

She turned and looked back at me shaking her head yes. Good, if she said no I would have to change it.

"Would you like to choose a movie Sunny?" She stepped over to the case of movies. After eyeing the case for a minute she finally pointed at "Beauty and the Beast". It has been years since I last watched that movie.

"Okay you go set down and I'll put the movie in." She did as she was told and I slipped the movie in before following behind her. I sat down beside her and leaned back watching the beginning of the movie.

A while later

Sunny sat beside me on the edge of her seat. We have already watched 5 movies and now we are watching "Up". Despite the movie that was playing my attention has been on Sunshine pretty much the entire time.

When a sad part in the movie happened she would tear up and pout, when a scary part happened she would inch closer to me, when a part made her mad she would cross her arms and huff. Watching her was much more amusing than the movie. God, I could watch her for hours without getting bored. What the hell am I saying.

Her head started to lean towards my shoulder. She was getting tired. "Are you ready to go to bed now, love?" She nodded her head obviously too tired to respond. I softly reached under her and picked her up bridal style. She was so light. Too light. We are going to have to fix that.

I carried her up the stairs and into our bedroom. Softly laying her down I turned to go put some boxers on before hopping into bed with her. Before I turned I realized that she was still in her clothes from today. If she sleeps in those clothes she'll be uncomfortable all night but if I change her clothes for her she might get mad at me for invading her personal space.

I decided to just take her pants off and leave her shirt on since her shirt was long enough to cover everything so I wouldn't see. I slowly slipped off her pants and adjusted her shirt to wear it reached her thighs. After that I turned and slipped off my work clothes and changed into just a pair off boxers.

I slowly slipped into bed beside Sunny who was letting out soft snores. I pulled the cover over both of us and wrapped my arm tightly around her waist as if afraid if I didn't hold tight enough she would slip away. I couldn't let something so precious out of my hands.

Because she is the light to my darkness


Hey my peaches 🍑

This chapter was not that good because I running out of ideas to write about. If y'all can I would like y'all to please give me some ideas that could spark some creativity in the next chapter.

Guys did y'all see we reached #1 in innocence. This is such a big achievement for me and we are now over half way to 100k views. I want to thank you all so much for helping me get here.

I just want to say, I'm starting to get sick with something and I'm praying I get better. Wish me luck.

Question of the day: Do you have any special talents? (I can play the ukulele)

Sorry for the short chapter guys but I hope y'all can still enjoy it. Byeeeeeee my little peaches 🍑

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