Chapter 20

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Sunny's POV

Xavier groaned once before rolling over and falling off the couch. He groaned again but his face was muffled due to his face being buried in the carpet.

Caleb face palmed and sighed. Before he could say something his phone rang and he quickly took it out of his pocket before putting it up to his ear. "Hello? Hey! Are you serious. Right now? Okay I'll be right there!" He hung up and gave me a hesitant look.

"Sunshine, I hate to do this but I just got called by a family member about something urgent and as much as I hate to leave you with Xavier drunk like this it's very important. He shouldn't bother you as long as he stays passed out on the floor and I should be home later tonight. Will you be okay staying here alone?" He asked.

I took it all in. I was going to be left alone with a drunk Xavier. I don't even know what that means. I bet he is sick. Yea thats it, drunk is probably some kind of sickness. "I g-guess so." I said. What if I get sick though.

"Okay, please be careful and don't get hurt." He said while walking towards me. He hugged me and kissed my forehead before turning around and bolting out the door.

All was silent for a little bit. I stood staring at the front door where Caleb left. What now? My thoughts were interrupted by a loud groan. I turned towards Xavier. Maybe I should check on him. What if he is hurt and needs something. I stalked over to him and awkwardly lent down. "X-Xavier?" I whispered.

No answer.


Still no answer.

"A-are you okayyyy?"

No answer. Deciding that talking to him was not going to work I lightly poked his cheek. Again.

And again.

And again...till finally he groaned and gripped my wrist.

"X-Xavier are y-you okay?" I asked.

"Sunnnnyyyyy," he pulled me down on top of him causing me to squeal, "I missed youuu." His voice was very slurred.


"Your my faaaaavorite!" He slurred.

I pushed at his chest struggling to get away. "Xavier, your going to get me sick!"

"I-I'm not siiiick," he groaned," I want to go to beeeed!"

"Th-then go t-to bed." I muttered after I gave up on struggling. Despite Xavier being sick he was still ten times stronger than me.

"Will you sleep with me?" He asked placing his head between my neck and shoulder.


"I-if you want me too." I said.

"Yes," he said, "i do!" His voice tickled my neck making me squirm and giggle.

"L-lets go then!" He let go of me and I happily stood up stretching my muscles. He gripped the couch and the table to aid in him clumsily standing up. He started to topple over but I rushed and gripped his hand before he could.

"W-we can't go u-upstairs if you can't stand up and w-walk." I muttered as he awkwardly toppled over on top of the couch.

"Weee will sleeep here!" He groaned, but even half asleep he was able to grab my wrist and yank me down on top of him.

"Oh, okay I-I guess." I said trying to adjust myself so I could get comfy. After deciding that this is as comfy as I would get I relaxed in his arms and laid my head on his chest. Closing my eyes I focused on the pitter patter of his heart.


Xavier's POV

I groaned. My head was throbbing bad and I felt like I just got ran over by a dump truck. I slowly raised up but stopped when I felt a light weight on my chest. Looking down I saw Sunny sleeping soundly with her head snuggled in my chest and her arms wrapped around my arm.

I quickly laid back down so I wouldn't wake her and rolled over so she was on the other side of me. She was in her clothes that she wore yesterday which was just a pair of tights and one of Caleb's hoodies which I clearly disagreed on.

I couldn't remember shit from last night except for driving to the bar and getting hammered. Let alone how the fuck Sunny and I ended up cuddling on the couch since Caleb was sure to make us at least 100 feet apart.

Not that I mind sleeping beside Sunny, I'm just surprised. I just hope she is not still upset with me from yesterday.

Sunny started to squirm beside me and I saw her eyes flutter open. "H-hello?" She said shoving her face back in my chest.

"Hi, Sunshine," I said trying to ignore the pounding in my head, "how did we end up on the couch?"

"Y-you were sick last night a-and wanted to sleep o-on the c-couch."

Sick? She thought I was sick?

"Where's Caleb?" I asked.

"I don't know," she whimpered, "he h-had to leave last night for a f-family emergency." She then let out a small yawn and squirmed beside me.

"I-I'm hungry." She said quietly.

God! How is she so fucking adorable! And when did I start using words like adorable.

"Let's get you some food then, love." I started raising up with her in my arms and sat her on the ground. Even though I still felt like shit I stood up beside her and started walking to the kitchen. I entered in and looked at the kitchen which was still a complete disaster which means the maids still have not cleaned it yet.

Sunny came in behind me but stopped when she saw the mess. I looked down at her and noticed her eyes started to water. She was going to cry. I started walking to her but she took a step back away from me.

She was scared.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" She said and right then and there I felt my heart shatter into little tiny pieces.

"Sunny, sweetheart, no. It's okay, I'm not mad! Come here." She looked up and I saw tear streaks on her cheeks. At that moment, I felt like a total asshole for yelling when I found her and Caleb in the kitchen making a mess.

I took another step forward and when I saw that she didn't back up I took a final step forward and wrapped my arms around her. I know that right now anyone I have ever met or known would be laughing at me right now hugging a small girl in my arms because she was crying.


Hey my little 🍑

So Christmas is coming up but before Christmas is exams 😢

Question of the day: Have you ever moved and if so how far. (As in a different country, state, city, etc.

I don't have much to say so that will be all. I love you all and thank you so much for 150k. You all are the best!!!

Bye my little peaches ❤️🍑

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