Chapter 10

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I sat quietly in the floor as Xavier stood there trying to calm down. The coffee had cooled off now but the places that it had burned me were stinging and my shirt sticking to me was not helping. I was not only uncomfortable but in pain also. After about a minute of sitting on the floor I decided to stand up.

I sat up in pain and got on my hand and knees slowly standing up. As soon as I got to my feet I slipped on the coffee on the floor and fell right back down. The burns on my back hit the floor first causing a stinging pain to course through me. Tears ran down my cheeks and as much as I tried to hold it back a sob escaped my mouth followed my many more. I sat there sobbing in a little ball till I felt arms wrap around me and pick which I quickly realized was Xavier. He sat me on his hip and put my head on his shoulder.

"Sh sh sh sh! It's okay little one. I should've got here sooner and then she wouldn't of slapped you. I'm so so sorry! Your probably in so much pain." He cooed. "What am I doing setting here? We need to get you cleaned up and in some new clothes." He walked with me in his arms to his office which I found out that I was supposed to turn right to get there. He walked with me over to the couch I was setting on before.

What was he doing. Did he not realize I was covered in coffee. I will get it dirty. I jumped off the couch like it was on fire. "Sit down little one till I grab my stuff so we can go." I looked up to him now noticing he had a big stain on the side of his shirt were I was laying on. "I-I-I w-will get th-the couch dirty." He looked at me and sighed. "That doesn't matter right now. All that matter is you little one now sit down while I get ready to leave."

I nodded my head and slowly sat back down. I sat there quietly as he got a couple of files and stuffed them under his arm. Finally he walked back to me and grabbed hand. "Come on." I stood up beside him trying my hardest to ignore that pain of the burns and walked out of the office. As we walked in the elevator and went down I noticed he would keep glancing at me repeatedly as if to check and make sure I was okay.

Finally the elevator came to a stop and he once again pulled me along beside him till we reached the black slick car. I was so dirty that if I got in the car I knew it would get dirty. "I'll g-get it d-dirty if I s-set in it." I stupidly stuttered. "That's fine. I can get it cleaned afterwards. It's more important for you to not be in pain than my car being dirty now get in." I looked at the car hesitantly and opened the door. I stood there staring and felt Xavier pat me on my bottom urging me to get in. "Go on."

I quickly jumped in trying to hide my blush in the process. Xavier walked over to the other side of the car and got in. He started the car not before looking over at me to make sure I was situated first.  "Ready?" I nodded my head and he pulled out and head towards home. Home? What am I saying? I have been living there for a couple days and I'm already calling it my home. I can't be doing this. It's better to just not get attached since I'll leave soon anyways.

After blanking out for a while we finally made it back to Xavier's house. We both got out and Xavier walked with me to the door. When we opened it I noticed Caleb was setting on the couch watching TV. At the sound of the door he turned around and his bored expression turned into excitement. "Sunshine!" He yelled while jumping up from the couch and running to me. He tackled me into a hug and I flinched in pain. Xavier quickly pushed Caleb off of me and growled. "Can't you see she's fucking hurt or are you blind."

Caleb inspected me from head to toe then gasped. "Oh no! My poor baby what happened to you? Who hurt you? I swear to god I will rip there head off. They won't see it com-" He didn't finish because Xavier interrupted him. "I have already took care of it. If you don't mind I'm trying to go upstairs and get her some clean clothes." Xavier said through his teeth. "Oh Xavier's right you are probably so uncomfortable. Go upstairs and chan-" Before Caleb could finish Xavier grabbed my hand in a vice grip and pulled me along upstairs. We went through the series of hallways before reaching his room. He shit the door behind him and looked at me.

"I'm going to give you one of my shirts to wear since your not going anywhere else today." I nodded my head and he walked to his closet and pulled out a large white button up shirt. He handed to me and said, "Go in the bathroom and take a shower then put this on then come out and I'll apply some ointment to your burns." I said a quiet okay and walked to the bathroom

I slipped the sticky and stained clothes I had on off finally savoring the feeling of being comfortable. I turned the shower on and jumped in washing all the sticky off. When I finally felt clean I jumped out and dried off.

I looked at myself in the mirror like I had this morning. Instead of my smooth skin a bunch of touch burnt patches of skin were there. It's weird how things can change in only a few hours. I quickly slipped the shirt over I head. It went down to about my knees and was very comfy.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom and over to Xavier slightly embarrassed I had no pants on. "Lay on the bed and I'll apply some ointment. I nodded my head and later on my stomach. Your going to need to lift your shirt so I can get to the burn. I again nodded my head a started lifting my shirt forgetting the fact I had no pants on...


Hey peaches 🍑 so I just want to let everyone know the reason I haven't updating in awhile is because I was sick with an ear infection in both ears. It was hard to concentrate with the ear infection and I VERY sorry I didn't update.

I also had to finish some summer reading stuff which I STILL don't have done.

Anyways I love you all so much and hope y'all have a wonderful day. ❤️❤️❤️

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