Chapter 1

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My stomach rumbled. I had not eaten in a day, and I was starving. I walked down the sidewalk in the shadows careful not to be seen. The first house I came across I would make sure I got food from it.

I carefully made my way down the path even farther. I did not know we're I was but why would it even matter since I didn't have a place to go.

Suddenly I saw a very lit up place up ahead. I sped up towards it and came to a stop when I saw what it was. My jaw dropped. In front of me was a HUGE mansion with a fountain and around 20 cars parked in the front. 

Around it there was a tall fence and guards scattered here and there. I had never seen something so beautiful.

It was going to be risky but I knew if I didn't eat soon I would probably pass out from hunger. As if on cue my tummy rumbled loudly.

I stuck in the shadows to the side of the fence that was covered by trees. I made sure not to step on any leaves or branches on the way. I looked at the fence. I was small enough to squeeze through the bars and sure enough I got through.

Well that was easy. Now all I had to do is get in the house and locate the kitchen. I quickly hid behind one of the cars careful not to make any sounds. I looked up for any security cameras.  I only found one near the porch. I was careful not to be seen on it and ran to the side of the house.

A guard was walking around the fence but I knew he probably wouldn't check behind him. In a big and guarded house like this no one would be expected to be able to make it inside the gates. As I ventured more around the side of the house I finally found what I was looking for. On the side there was an unlocked window that I could easily fit through.

I hurried towards it careful not to be seen. I grasped the top of the window with my hands and pulled up but cringed when a loud screeching sound could be heard. I checked around to make sure no one heard and carefully slid through the window.

When I entered the house I savored the feeling of the warmness. Outside it was almost winter and it was starting to get chilly. I looked around letting my eyes get adjusted to the darkness. When they finally did I saw a humongous kitchen with pretty much anything you would ever need to cook. My eyes wandered over to a big fridge and I quickly rushed over to it.

I slowly pulled it open and my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Inside there was basically enough food to feed an entire herd of elephants. My tummy rumbled once again at the sight of all the food and I quickly took off the small back pack I was wearing to take some food on the road with me. I took different types of bread, fruits, crackers off the counter and anything else I could find.

When I was finally satisfied I headed over back towards the window. Before I could grab it I heard heavy foot steps heading towards the kitchen I froze but quickly recovered and jumped under the table. Right as I did this the light switched on and I saw someone's feet from under the table.

They moved over to the fridge in which I didn't realize until now I left open. The man stopped for a second but then carried on towards the fridge and shut it then continued to a door that was in the corner of the kitchen and walked in it. As he did, so I quickly slipped out from under the table and ran out the door that the man came in.

The window was way too risky and loud right now. When I walked out the door I entered a large room with a huge marble spiral stair case leading up. The room had a huge flat screen TV with a coffee table and a couch in the middle. It was stunning. Suddenly I heard a door open from the kitchen and I quickly ran up the stairs.

As I got to the top, a long hallway filled with many doors could be seen. I admired it for a minute and wondered how many rooms there could be in the one hallway. Probably around 30. Suddenly I saw a shadow started to come around the corner of the hallway I froze thinking of what to do. Finally, I made up my mind and ran the opposite direction of the shadow into another hallway. I kept running till I reached the end.

Without thinking, I opened the one door in that hallway and shut it quickly. When I turned around I quietly gasped. Inside was a very big bedroom with a huge bed and a door that led out to a balcony. On the ceiling there was a glass chandelier. When I got gone admiring the beauty of the room and came to my senses I realized that there was the sound of a shower running coming from what I'm guessing is the bathroom.

My eyes widened. I'm in someone's room. I turned around ready to run out the door when suddenly someone started knocking on it. This was bad. "Oh sir, Mr. Conway will be coming tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. to meet with you about the business deal." Someone yelled through the door.

I heard the shower cut off. I looked around quickly for a place to hid. Finally, at the corner of the room I saw a large wardrobe. Quickly and as quietly as I could I jumped in there and shut myself in.

I heard the sound of a door opening. I looked through a small crack in the wardrobe to see a man with just a towel around his waist. He walked towards the door his muscular back flexing as he did so. He opened it and started talking to who I'm guessing the person who was talking through the door.

I couldn't hear anything of what they were saying. Finally, the other man left and the muscular man shut the door and walked toward his bed. He sat down on his bed for a second and started doing something on his phone. He wasn't leaving and I couldn't wait to leave and eat some of the food I stole.

Just the thought made my stomach rumble. LOUDLY! At the sound the man looked up quickly and looked around. I held my breath. Finally, he stood up and walked to where I couldn't see him. I heard a door close and released my breath. I slowly opened the door and tip toed out the closet into the room.

I ran to the door leading into the hallway but as soon as I touched the handle I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I was pulled away from the door and pushed into the wall beside it with something cold pressed against my forehead.

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