Chapter 19

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I passed the purple belt's guard, with my head pointed at his stomach, grabbed his arm and leg, and threw him down. I then put him into an arm-bar from there. The purple belt immediately tapped out. I let go of him, unwrapped myself, and got back up. As I did, another fighter or, roller, as we call them in jui-jitsu, came at me with his arm stretched out, he was a blue belt. "Idiot..." I thought to myself. I grabbed his arm, sidestepped, pulled him back with his back towards me, and pulled his arm back to his back and twisted it while pulling up. I then kicked his legs out, and forced him face-down. He tapped out. All within 5 seconds. "Damn your good." One of the new girls said as she watched. I was currently in a challenge, if I won, I won a free bag, hat, beanie, shirt, water bottle, pullover, pants, and gloves. All from Bragg Judo/jui-jitsu/Krav-Magraw/MAA. But, I could use only the fighting style that the current roller or fighter knows. It was easy to tell because of the uniform. "That's because I use it everyday." I said, as I did, another guy came at me. This time, he was a MMA fighter. "Finally, something I'm perfect at." I thought. The fighter put his hands up, and started hopping around. "Come on' let's do this. Hit me." He said with a cocky voice. The crowd that had built up started laughing, since most of them knew me, as I came here often. "Come on. I'm waiting." He continued to say. "All right, if you say so. You gotta go first." I said, spreading my arms out with my hands open. "Alright." He said, and he ran at me, about to tackle. I sidestepped, walked forward, pulled my left arm back with my fist ready, and as he got near me, leaned forward while walking, and knocked him right below the jaw. Knocking him out, and sending him flipping backward hitting the mat cold. The crowd yelled, "OUCH!" In response. "How do you do this?" One said. "Practice, and lots of training. Physical, and mental." I said, another guy walked onto the mat, and bowed. I bowed back, he was a jui-jitsu fighter, purple belt. He immediately passed my guard, but I had him right where I wanted him. He had passed it with his head through my right arm. I let him go through, as he brought his arms up to flip me, I grabbed both of them. This startled him, as I kicked his legs out, and slammed him into the mat with me on top of his side, knocking the pure fucking wind out of him. But I wasn't done. I grabbed his leg and arm, rolled off, pulled his arm back behind his back, while putting my knees onto his leg calves with enough pressure to keep them down. I then did the same to his other arm, and pushed up on both of them. It was a painful move, and a submission one. You had to be quick though, since your opponent would be stunned for a moment after the body slam. He screamed, and tried to tap out but couldn't, so he tapped his head onto the map. I let him get up, and slapped him on the shoulder. "Painful eh?" I asked, "Yeah, hurts like a bitch, especially the calves." I then chuckled, and let the final challengers come up. The final was four black belts. One was Judo, one was Jui-Jitsu, another was MMA, and the last was krav-magraw. "Let's see whatchya got." The MMA one said. The crowd was dead silent in anticipation. "Alright." I said. As I did, they surrounded me, and the judo black belt ran at me from behind, I was quick though, I turned around, tripped him as I sidestepped, and slammed my fist into his stomach. He leaned into my shoulder, and I used his energy to slam him into the ground. I then turned around, and saw that the other three were coming at me. I aimed for the center, the MMA. I reached my arm out, he grabbed it, as he did, I quickly used his energy and my arm to throw him over my shoulder, onto the mat, and slammed my shoulder into his stomach. I was simply just knocking these guys energy-less with their energy and stomachs. I quickly jumped up, and turned around with my hands ready. I saw the Magraw and the Jui-Jitsu fighters were about to come at me. I grabbed the nearest one, the jui-jitsu one. I grabbed his collar on his JJ uniform, kicked his legs out from underneath him, quickly grabbed his leg with my left hand, and threw him at the krav-magraw fighter. "Whoa!" The JJ BB said as he was thrown in a near split-second. The magraw fighter sidestepped, and the JJ fighter hit the mat and rolled off of it. He would get back up in an estimated minute... The magraw fighter tackled me, from 9 feet away. "Damn!" I said as he did, "This guy can jump..." I thought, I acted fast, as the magraw fighter sat up, I quickly grabbed his collar, punched him below the jaw near the top of the neck, which knocked him off of me, he stumbled across the mat, stunned. I got up, and saw that the Jui-Jitsu fighter got up. He slowly walked towards me, he tried to pass my guard, but was too slow, I glided across his guard, and got behind him. I then slammed my hand into the back of his neck in a quick chopping motion. I hit a certain area, and he was out cold. I grabbed his back collar, and slowly let him down on the mat. I turned around to meet the MMA fighter, who quickly grabbed my shoulder, kicked my legs out from underneath me, and forced me down. He then proceeded to hit me in the face, I the punches with my arms held up, until I got a small window to make a move. I quickly put up my hands, grabbed his fists as the came down, and then threw him with me to the side in a roll. I came out on top of him. I put my knee on top of chest as I twisted his arms painfully. He tapped his legs... Out... I let go and let him get up. I then proceeded to make sure the other two were out. The magraw fighter had gotten up, and decided to have another go... Except his judgement had been knocked out- of-whack because of me. He started to throw punches and kicks and grabs. All of which I blocked. Finally, he hopped back, got a running start, and tried to judo-air-kick me. I quickly grabbed his leg mid-air and immediately spun, I spun him in a circle. I kept spinning until he went limp, I then stopped and pulled his leg back towards me, I then flipped him up to face me with my hand at his collar. I held him up with both my hands by the collar. "You out?" I asked, he said, "No." I then threw turned him around with my arm around his neck. I then proceeded to choke him. After5 seconds I let go, and he was out cold as he slithered to the floor. The Judo was the only one left... He had gotten up weakly and was ready to fight. "Let's finish this." As I ran at him, he simply placed a hand on my shoulder, and ribs, and tried to use my energy to throw me. I quickly counteracted by placing my hand on his shoulder and his arm. We canceled each other out, and were thrown to the ground fiercely. I had him were I could choke him. I put him into a choke-hold on the ground, and he tapped out. I quickly jumped up with my hands in the air. "YEAH!" I yelled. As I did, the owner appeared out of the crowd, and got into the magraw fighter's face. "How did you get beat by a white belt?!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL? YOUR A BLACK BELT!!!" He yelled at the fighter, the fighter responded with, "He was fast, too fast. He was also strong as a brute. We just couldn't get him." The owner looked shocked, he looked at me, back at the fighter, sighed, then walked up to me. "Congratulations. You won. Want a fuckin' medal? Is that how you military shits do stuff? You fucking cheated. I could probably beat your ass right now. In fact lets go." He put his arms up, and hopped around. "I'll beat you into next week-" he flew across the room and hit the mat. I had grabbed his collar and threw him with all my strength. He got up, stubbornly. I looked at him, and put my fist out. I was honing my energy. He started walking towards me, angrily. Once he reached me, I stepped forward, leaned, and punched him. He went f-l-y-i-n-g across the room, hitting the wall with a loud THUD. He was out cold. "Where... How?" Is what I heard from the Judo roller. "Bruce Lee, and mental focus." I said. The magraw fighter brought me my bag that I had earned. "Stuff is in there. Come back tomorrow." He said, I responded with "Thanks. Cya'll." I took my bag, and walked out the door of the Bragg Judo/Jui-Jitsu/MMA/Krav-magraw. As I did, I heard "Who was that guy?"


I had been going to Bragg J/JJ/MMA/KM for 9 months. I was a white belt, but was hopin' to 'upgrade' to blue belt soon. The black belts I had just fought, were Blake, Jack, Hayden, and Garcia. Blake was the MMA fighter, Jack was the Judo, Hayden was the Kraw-magraw, and Garcia was the Jui-Jitsu roller. They were all amazing fighters, but they weren't as fast as me. While they exercise for physical attributes such as physical speed and strength, they don't practice for mental speed and strength. I was mentally tougher, faster, and physically stronger, and faster. I was great on both sides, which made me an excellent fighter. If my physical side was down, my mental side could keep me going. Anyway, almost every at the 'fight gym' as we called it, knew me. I was the best fighter at the gym now, and hoped to keep that title. I pulled up to my house, got out of the truck with my new gym bag, and walked to the garage while locking the truck. Before I got to open the door in the garage, not the garage door, but the house door in the garage. My phone rang, I pulled it out of my pocket and saw who it was. Ryan. I immediately answered. "Hey man." I said, "Hey, how are you?" He asked. "I'm doing fine, you?" I responded, "I'm good..." He said. "So what do ya' need?" I asked, "Well... I'm retiring..." He said, "I've had enough of this... I just want some peace and quiet for once. Plus, I have enough money to do so." I stopped, with shock in my mind. "What? Dude, man. You're 35, and you're the last guy on my team. We're the only ghosts left... You can't." I said with a concerned tone. Kaden had outright left the ghosts after DC, saying it was too much finally. "Colonel, I can. It's my choice. You're my best friend, but I just want to get away from the army... I hope you understand. You can find more people for the ghosts." He said while sighing. I paused, then said, "Very well. I respect you, and your decision. I hope you have a nice retirement, I'll keep in touch, don't worry." He then responded with, "All right... I'll talk to you later Dimitri." "Ok... Cya." He then hung up, and I walked into my house and shut the garage door. I set my bag down, and fell on my couch. I then put my face into my palms. After a moment of me thinking, I sat up, and dialed Townes's number. He picked up, "General Townes speaking." He said. I took a breath and said, "It's only us now... Ryan retired." He then sighed, and said "Well... Let's finish this then. He was a good man." I responded with, "Yes sir he was, and we shall finish this..."

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