Chapter 15

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Somewhere near Berlin, Germany....

The man paced back and forth angrily. He was frustrated... Actually, he was passed frustrated. He was pissed. More than half of his worldwide assets were dead, and the only lead they had was that they were killed brutally. He kept pacing until he got a call. He answered the phone, "Dah? Really? Good. Send me the feed ASAP." He then hung up and sat by his desk, he turned on his computer and there was a video feed coming from the ILA and Ex-Patriate mixed force. The feed showed the soldiers moving in on a smoldering truck. "Go check it." One of them said, and pointed at a soldier, then at the truck. The soldier he pointed at moved towards the truck, and checked all around it. He then turned around and started to talk. "Subject, seems KIA. Severe burns, body may have been obliterated. Mi-" blood started to spew from his forehead, and the soldier fell over. "SNIP-" another soldier went down, then another... Then another... Until the cameraman was the only one left. "Oh my God....." The man said as he watched. The cameraman ran for cover behind a smoldered truck. "Shit! shit, shit shit shiit SHIIIIIIT!!!!" He yelled as he ran. "I need backup! Everyone is dead! Help! Help! HEEEEEELP!!!!" He stopped yelling when he heard a noise. He stood up and turned around the corner. "Hello?" He was then grabbed violently to which the camera fell, and the next thing that was on the camera was blood going dripping from his head. The camera was angled though to where the man couldn't see his head, just another soldier stabbing him from what it looked like. He then heard another voice. "You feel that? That's what I felt when you attacked my soil." The soldier then screamed, and begged for him to make it stop. The soldier then let go of him, and stabbed him again. The ILA soldier then went limp, and fell. The other soldier then walked up to the camera, and picked it up. He tapped it, "This thing on?" The Man's heart nearly stopped once he saw what was on the soldier's face... A bandana with a skull. "Oh no..." The Man said. The soldier turned the camera to show what he had done, said something, and turned it back to his face. He then spoke, "I'm sure you think you're safe from me in your private households and bunkers. But hear this, nothing can stop me, I will find out who you are, where you are, and I will kill you. Every, last, one of you. For you have caused the world enough problems, and its time we erased scum like you. So get ready, because I'm coming." He then dropped the camera, took a truck, and drove off.

The Man paused, and thought about what had just happened. He then stood up and picked up his phone. He dialed a number, and the phone rang. "Hello? Ok, get ready to transmit this to everyone on the board. We got a situation. Ready? Ok. So, I found out what has happened to our 'members' and 'associates' that have disappeared or popped up dead. An army spec ops killed them. Yeah, we're dealing with the army now. No, I think it's multiple spec ops. Whatever they are, we need to lock down everything. Make sure we're secure, double the watch and security. Because there is no way that he knows where we ALL are. Also, that ILA general? Traö? The guy that took Jahak's spot? He's dead. His QRF is dead too. Every last one of them. I have a video feed that was taken during the time, I'll send it ASAP. In the meantime, lockdown, and get ready." He then hung up his phone, and sat in his chair, looking at the feed. "We're fucked if this is who I think it is...." He said to himself.

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