Chapter 27

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Gaz's Diner, NC
10:00 May 29th, 2023

The small town diner that was once ran by an respectful old man had retired not too long ago, and was now ran by Gaz. Gaz had simply renamed the diner; "Gaz's Diner." Gaz was doing a great job running it. The diner was more successful than it had ever been. Probably because he added a lil' British mix into the American diner.
"Who's your girlfriend?" Asked Gaz as I walked in with Sydney. "She's not my girlfriend Gaz, she's just a good friend. We're coming in for breakfast." I explained to Gaz, he was wiping off the counter at the bar. "Ah, why not brunch? Oh yeah, you don't like brunch." Gaz said, scratching his beard and laughing. I smiled as I sat up on a barstool, along with Sydney. "What's your name miss?" Gaz said in a kind voice. "I'm Sydney Carswell." Sydney said, shaking Gaz's hand. "Gaz, nice to meet you Sydney. You better be careful around this man." Gaz said, jabbing his thumb at me. "He had to throw ten drunk guys out of here one time." Gaz smiled at me, patting my shoulder over the counter. "Oh is that so?" She asked, looking at me. I shrugged, saying nothing. "What will it be lad, and lady?" Gaz asked. "Usual. Except I want a dr.pepper. Can only." I said. "Don't worry about the price Dimitri, we got enough extra money for us to give this one free." Gaz said, writing on a sheet of paper. "And you miss?" He said, looking at Sydney. "I'll take grits, hashbrowns, and a waffle please. With some sweet tea." She said, putting up her menu. "Alright, be right out." Gaz said, finishing up writing the order on the paper and walking back to the kitchen. Gaz soon came back with two dr.pepper cans, and a glass of sweet tea. "Enjoy. Food will be out soon." Gaz then walked back into the Kitchen. "Does he work alone?" Sydney asked me. "No, he has employees, he just isn't busy today. So they're off today. He's a great boss from what I can tell." I explained. I then told Sydney all about Gaz, including how he was rescued by US spec ops, but I didn't mention GR. "Wow... He's a tough one ain't e'?" Sydney said, sipping her sweet tea. "Yep." I replied, drinking my dr.pepper. "Glad to know him." Sydney then took the can I drank out of, took a drink of it, and gave it back to me. She stuck her tongue out at me, then smiled. "Whatcha' gonna do?" She asked, I shrugged, "This." I took a sip out of the can. "Ah dang..." She said. "I don't mind unless you have a disease-" I was cut off mid-sentence from my phone ringing. I pulled it out, it was Townes. "Hey, I gotta take this. I'll be right back." I said, "Alright. I'll be here." She responded. I then hopped off the barstool, and walked out the door. I leaned by back against the glass window and took the call. "Yes sir?" I said. "Ah Slovak, glad you answered. We've cracked the nut! We've located the boss-man's HQ. It's outside of Berlin, Germany. It's heavily defended, the entire area around the HQ is listed to a PMC group. We've already talked to the German government. They've agreed to allow us to go in. So you can be as loud as you want. If you need help, we have air support at an army base near Berlin. I'm sending all the intel we have on the area. Any Q's?" Townes explained. "No sir." I said. "Alright... Hey Slovak.. You did a great job. I wish the world could know that you're doing this. But... They can't. Anyway. Great job soldier." "Thank you sir. It's a pleasure." I replied. "Alright, I'll see you later..." Townes then hung up. I pulled the phone away from my here, and looked at the PDF he sent me. I opened it. He wasn't lying about the security... There were numerous BTRs, tanks, choppers, riflemen, MG emplacements, mortars... The place was a fucking fortress. I got Townes back on the line. "I'm gonna need more than air support sir... I'm gonna need some treads." I said. "Don't worry Slovak. I'll get some armor for ya'." Townes then hung up. After reviewing the intel once more and making notes, I put my phone up and walked back inside. As I opened the door Gaz was bringing our food out. "Order up!" He said, placing the plates along the counter. I hopped up on my barstool. "Thanks Gaz." I said, "No problem sir." He replied. We then started eating. "How's the food?" He asked. "It's good." Sydney and I both said. "Great! I'll be back in the kitchen if you need me." Gaz then walked back into the kitchen.
Sydney and I had finished eating within minutes, and started talking again. Whenever we talk, it feels like that Addison's ghost is shoving me at Sydney... Probably because she knows something I don't... After a few mins, I gave Gaz a tip and we left.
As we walked to my truck, Sydney stopped me. "Can I tell you somethin'?" She asked, "Sure." I said. "Well..." She placed a hand on my chest. "I like you... A lot... And... I know it may sound silly... But I wanna be with you, even after a day." She said, I picked up one of her hands with mine. "Well... My friends were right about you. I do like you Sydney, and I think that even after a day, I feel like this can work. So... Miss Carswell... What would you say about us two being together?" I asked finally, even after a day, I felt strong feelings towards Sydney. Almost like she was a magnet. "I say it's great!" She then hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, and looked up at the sunny sky. I thought to myself, "I'm sure your happy... Add."


I then drove Sydney home, and as I walked her up to her door I said, "I don't know how long I'll be gone, but the army's sending me to Germany. I should be back soon, but you never know. I can't tell you what I'm doing, but I can assure you that I'll be back definitely." She put her hands on my shoulders, "Alright... Just, be safe, and come back to me soon." She put something in my hand, and kissed me on the cheek. "Go get em'." She then said, unlocking her door and walking in. After she shut her door, I looked at what she put in my hand. It was a locket. I opened it, and it had a picture of her in it. I closed it, and closed my fist. "I'll be back... Don't worry."

I loaded myself up with the gear I took with me to the Ukrainian compound. But packed more ammo. It was gonna be a bloody, and tough fight. But I was gonna win, and kill everybody in that HQ. Just like in Ukraine. But I would save my worst for the boss. After equipping myself, I drove to Bragg and boarded an super specter that was headed for Germany.
"Once more unto the breach." Is what I thought as I entered the jet.

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