Chapter 21

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I remember my pastor telling me something before I went into the army... It went something like, "Whatever you do my son... Don't kill in the name of the Lord... Kill in the name of your country." I took those words, and kept them with me. I've never killed in the name of the Lord, but I've killed supposed thousands in the name of my country. Now, I'm killing in the name of revenge. Revenge for my country, and for personal revenge for DC.
I also remember my dad telling me his advice before I went into the berets. My dad was what I call an 'everything' ranger. He did almost everything for the rangers, including sniping. Anyway, he told me, "Son... If you ever go on a mission to wipe entire armies or whatever... Don't just bring the pain. Make it rain Hell. Show no mercy, kill everything." That's exactly what I was going to do now... Make it rain. Make them feel pain...

I pushed up over the hill, and saw the main line of 'defense.' I had wiped out patrols and small pockets of resistance along the way, now I had reached the main line, and I was prepared. I pulled out binoculars that were linked to my cross-com, and put them up to my face. I looked through the eye-holes, and used the binoculars to mark targets. There were trenches, dug-in tanks, BTRs, and AA systems. Once I got all my targets marked, I put away the binoculars and got my ARX back out. There was only one way I was getting passed this... My shoulder-rocket pod popped up, locked, and fired four rockets. They launched into the air, and split into multiple missiles, and kept splitting until they were equal with the enemy force. They crashed into their targets, causing brilliant explosions. On my cross-com, each target started showing up KIA. I made my way down to the valley, and once I did, I walked past the massive line of death and destruction. I simply made my way to the main compound which wasn't too far away. I had cleared enough area for air support to come in if I needed it... It's sad that it takes one man to change everything...

When I was younger, about thirteen or fourteen, I thought that I couldn't impact anything. That I couldn't change anything. I believed that for awhile, even in boy scouts, school government, and my family. Until I joined the army, and now. When I joined, I realized that I was the change, I could make change easily. By simply firing a gun. Now, finally... I was making a difference. I was killing thousands, and it felt amazing. Knowing I was changing the world... Through violence, bloodshed, gore... It pleased me... Knowing that by ripping, cutting, and shooting people's heads off, I was becoming apart of the solution... Make it rain...


I was laying in the sand looking through the holo-scope. The best part about the holographic scope on the ARX? No scope flash. Since it's a hologram. I was looking at the compound that I was supposed to find my target in. It was surrounded with quad AA, tanks, BTRs, but no SAMs. I could easily call in an airstrike. I got on my comms. "Aylay base, this is predator. I'm requesting a airstrike on enemy position on my go." I said, I quickly got a response, "Roger predator... We have hellhogs on standby, with an AC-17 'archangel' and aurora bomber group 'chameleon.'" I sent the coordinates I wanted them to bomb, and responded. "Alright-" as I did, a mortar hit my position. "What the fuck?!" I said aloud. "HOW DID THEY-" another mortar hit near me, this time closer... I quickly got up, and ran to another hole in the ground ahead of me. "AYLAY! I NEED TO MAKE THAT A QRF REQUEST!!" I yelled into the mic as I was suppressed with heavy quad-AA, and tank fire. "Roger! Scrambling!!" I was out of rockets, so I couldn't really do anything. I looked up, and saw that the entire compound was shooting at me. Around the walls, mortars came from behind them. The foxhole I had jumped into was luckily deep, and protected me.

"Uuuhh predatorrrrr... This is jericho squadron... We're comin in hot with a strike package." "You the hellhogs?" I responded, "Yeah.... We got an AC-17 and Chameleon behind us." The pilot responded. "Alright, you get the targets I marked on your hud?" I asked, as I did, I could hear the pilot kinda grunt. "Yes sir, whole hud's lit' up.... We can handle this..." He said. "Let the AC-17 get the targets in the compound, we need it intact. Also, try not to kill me." I said, and chuckled. "Alright... Hey, Truman, switch to all missiles lock... Yeah... We're blowin anything around the marked area to hell. AC-17 and auroras are clean up." Is what I heard on comms... I thought in the back of my head "shit.. Shit shit shit shit..." That thought was now suddenly a "OH SHIT." 'All missiles' is basically turning the safety off on the A-bomb. Anything around a certain area, gets locked on by all missiles, bombs, and blown to hell. "ETA, 15 seconds." The mortar fire was getting intense now, they were cranking it. I held my head until I heard a distant noise, I popped my head up, and saw salvos of missiles and probably bombs heading towards the enemy line. I had just enough time to dive back down before the entire area was engulfed in explosions. The hellhogs fired their guns as they went by, picking off anything alive. As soon as they soared by, the AC-17 'archangel' started circling overhead, firing. "Colonel, we see the mortars, we're taking them out now." Said the fire control officer. "This is chameleon flight, commencing arc-light run." The aurora bombers flew by in the blink of an eye. Then the shockwave came from the fuel air-bombs. That, would destroy anything else. I popped up after the AC-17 ceased fire, and saw death and destruction. The compound was still intact luckily. "Nice job boys, I got it from here." I said over comms. "Roger colonel, we'll keep circling just in case any trouble comes." Responded the spectre pilot. I then responded, and made my way to the compound's gate.


The gate blew open from my HE grenade I launched at it. I entered the compound, reloading my launcher. I scanned the area, saw nothing.
I was suspicious, so I threw a sensor, and saw that nothing was moving outside. But inside the main building, there were multiple contacts. I pulled up my ARX, knowing that the bullets could penetrate the thick walls and hit the soldiers. I fired on the second floor, killing five soldiers. I then moved to another gate that was blocking the entrance to the inner compound. I shot it open, reloaded, and walked up to the building. I then fired on the first floor, killing ten soldiers through the wall. I then pushed open the door, and made my way to the third, and top floor.
As I made my way up to the third floor, the final floor, I could hear and see the soldiers barricading themselves in a room. Trying to protect my remaining HVTs. "Fools..." I thought, "Don't they know they're gonna die either way?" I walked up to the door, it was a concrete-ish door, with wood at the front. I simply put a burn charge on it, and stepped to the side. What a burn charge does is that it basically melts through any wall or door, and ejects hot white phosphorous out on the receiving end, burning anyone not behind cover.
The burn charge melted through the door, and the door felt to the ground. On my HUD, a few of the soldiers burned to death. But most were still alive. I put up my ARX, and whipped out two MP212s. What an MP2 is is basically a .44, beefed up with steroids, and just a lil' smaller. Just a bit' of a snub node.
I then busted into the doorway, and as soon as I saw the first soldiers pop up, I blew their heads off. Blood went spewing from their faces. Half of the soldier's faces that I shot were gone. Brain matter and gore spilled behind them and in front. A soldier ran at me from the corner with a knife. I quickly turned, whacked the knife out of is hand with my pistol, put him into a frontward headlock, and shot him in the head with my pistol. I then threw him onto the ground. I was fast enough to shoot two other soldiers about to shoot me, I blew holes in their chests. I then turned towards the HIVs. There were five of them. Three popped up from behind a table with rifles. I blew their heads off too with rapid succession. I then stood there, both pistols locked on the last two as they stood up with their hands up, begging for mercy. But they won't have any....

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