Chapter 26

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Somewhere in the Congo...
21:00 May 28th, 2023

I grabbed the soldier's mouth, stabbed into his neck with my kabar, then violently pulled to the left. Ripping his throat wide open, I then kicked him away into some brush. "Overlord, this is predator. I'm in. How far away am I?" I asked on comms. "House should be just down the hill." Overlord responded. "Alright. Thanks, predator out." I then pulled out my ARX-A, and slid down the hill. I stopped myself on a rock near the bottom of the hill. It gave me a great vantage of the house, and into the windows. I pulled out my binoculars, and looked through the windows. I spotted the watchgate warlord and marked him on my cross com. As I did this thoughts were racing through my head. Such as Sydney, the future, etc. I quickly snapped out of it though, and put up the binos. I then pulled out the ARX-A. I activate my night vision, since it got a whole lot darker. I was using an experimental version of a cross com tonight, a single-glass eyepiece instead of shades. You just placed it around your eye and bam. Anyway...
I then looked down the sights of my holographic sight. I squinted, and the sight turned into a scope. I saw the figure of the Watchgate warlord. I breathed in and out, thinking about what had happened back in DC three years ago..... "Never again" I thought to myself. That had been the worst attack on US soil since 9/11. And I was here to make sure it never happened again. I breathed, and focused my energy on the target. I slowly put my finger on the trigger, my cross com was telling me to aim a little this way. It was a windy night, and I could see the warlord's figure with my night vision. As I aimed to the right of the Warlord's head, I slowly pulled the trigger....


"What the fuck?" The ARX-A had misfired. I looked at it, confused. The warlord started moving to another room. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!" I whispered loudly. I racked the ARX, and aimed again. I pulled the trigger, *Click* "SHIT." I whispered. I couldn't bother messing with the ARX. I put it up and pulled out my Kabar. "Guess we're going for the hard way..." I slid down the rest of the hill. As I was sliding down I saw a soldier walking below. "Fuck... Gotta make this fast, and quiet." As I neared the soldier, I jumped, and kicked the soldier in the chest as I landed on him. It shattered his ribs and backbone. I then stabbed him in the face repeatedly. I quickly jumped up, and silently ran towards the building. Occasionally tackling guards and stabbing them. I was trying to be quick, because sooner or later the patrols would find the dead. There was no easy or fast way to hide them, so I was going for speed. Once I got to the house, I saw there was an open window. I activated my camo, climbed over the wooden railing, and crawled into the window silently. I was in the living room of the small one-storied house. It felt like a cabin. With carpet everywhere but the kitchen, old, but comfy couches and chairs. And a retro TV.
I stood up, with my camo still activated. I silently walked into the room that the warlord was in, the kitchen. As I walked in, the warlord was eating a hot dog on his wooden dining table. I deactivated my camo and slammed my knife into the table. He looked up at me, eyes wide. He was shocked, and scared. "Know who I am?" I asked. "Uuh... You look familiar..." He said, pointing at the GR mask on my face. "Punisher?" He said, voice quivering. I nodded, I paced lightly back and forth along the small table. "Ever read the 'Most Dangerous Game'?" I asked, referring to a book about two expert hunters trying to kill each other on a island.
"Yes." He said lightly. "Well... I just wanna say that there's a Zaroff in this situation. But it's your boss. He sends you, and his other minions to try and kill me, or anyone else. But they fail every time. Because they're outwitted, and hunted down. Then brutally killed. But where's the Rainsford in this situation? Is it me? Or is it someone else..." I picked up my kabar, and pointed the blade at him. "I'll let you decide..." I said, finishing my speech. I then threw the kabar right into his throat. He grabbed his neck, gurgling. His head finally fell back after a series of struggling, and horrific noises. I then walked over to him, and pulled the knife out of his throat. I wiped the blood on a dish rag, and sheathed it. I then heard a piercing voice yelling. "OY! I FOUND A BODY! LOOKS LIKE A STRUGGLE WENT ON!" "SEARCH THE AREA!" A radio then went off in the house, asking for a report from the warlord. The voice then went into a panic, and ordered all units to move to the house. "Shit..." I thought. My ARX-A wasn't working, I had only my revolver, an ARX attachment kit with a shotgun... Wait... I got an idea. Since the fight would be CQC, I decided to make a makeshift flamethrower, and use the shotgun attachment as a backup plan.
I went through drawers and cabinets, after barricading the doors and turning off the lights. I had found string, a few lighters, vasoline, and a few cans with flammable elements. I also found a few screwdrivers with hardware. And some duct tape. I quickly assembled a makeshift flamethrower, using a trigger from a crossbow and the other stuff I found. It didn't take me long to assemble, about five minutes. I had taped the bottles together so that I could rotate them if one ran out. I also put a lighter near the bottle. I then used the string and the trigger to help hold down the lighter. I then used some metal to cover up most of the weapon so that I would 't burn myself. I knew this was a time waster, and I could've used the shotgun and pistol instead. But I wanted to make things... Interesting... After assembling the weapon, I moved towards the front door. I heard someone yell for a shotgun. While I had been assembling the thrower, the Watchgate mercs had been trying to smash the door down. I had a book case in front of the door, which would prevent them from opening it unless they blew it off the hinges and kicked it open. Which kicking it would be unlikely, since it would take a lotta strength.
After someone said that, I heard a few loud bangs, and someone else yelling. More loud bangs, except this time it was repetitive. They were hitting the door. The door and book case finally gave in, and fell over with a loud crash. As it fell over, I stood a good distance away, the flamethrower aimed at the doorway. "Surprise. Bitch." I said, as a mercenary moved into the doorway. I then pulled the trigger, and the flamethrower came to life. It burned the merc, and he ran out screaming and flailing. I then threw a grenade, and I heard the mercs near the doorway scramble. After the grenade exploded I walked out, checking left and right. Clear. I moved left, and came around the corner of the house. I saw a line of mercs. "SHI-" one of them got out before I burned him alive. I didn't just burn him, I also burned his ten other buddies behind him. The all fell down, screaming. "Holy shit! He's using a flamethrower!!" I heard on the other side of the house. I moved around the next corner, and saw the other mercs. I burned them too, this time five of them though. I jumped over the wooden railing, and moved through the jungle. "Overlord, this is predator. Moving through the jungle. Requesting extract location." I said on comms. "Roger that predator. We have a blackhawk extract on the way to these coordinates. ETA: five minutes. Overlord out." "Thanks overlord!" I replied, burning another group of mercs as I ran through the jungle to the extract zone marked on my cross-com. I ran to the extract zone, occasionally stopping an burning some mercs. I got to the extract before the chopper did. So I waited behind a rock. "Predator, this is ichman. We're about there. Give us a minute." I heard on my comms, "Roger ichman." I replied. I then stood up, and stretched. Everything was calm, until I heard mercs yelling. It sounded like a lot. I looked over the hill I was on and saw the massive horde of mercs. I then heard the blackhawk near. The mercs neared... So I decided to lay makeshift tripwires around with the rest of the string I kept. I disassembled the thrower and used it to make tripwires. Once the blackhawk arrived, and landed, I hopped into it. "GO GO GO!! WE GOT HIM!" Yelled the door gunner. The blackhawk quickly took off. "Watch this." I said as we ascended. As the horde of mercs neared my previous location, the whole area blew up in flames. "DAMN! You did that?" A crew member asked. "Yep." I replied. "Damn your good." The pilot said.
"I learned from the best." I replied simply. "Indeed you did. We'll go to a British air base not too far away from here, and you'll catch your flight back home. Got it?" The pilot explained. "Got it cap'n." I said. "Alriiiigh'." He said, and the blackhawk accelerated quickly then, heading towards the base.

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