Chapter Five

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Sammy's POV

"Take your finger off the button and drop it." Carol orders.

"Listen, y'all don't have to do this. Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone's welcome," the man says calmly.

"Shut up, man." Tyreese barks.

"Okay," the man replies.

"We know all about your place, and what you do there, you're gonna bleed them out like animals. I might be a kid, but I ain't stupid. You're gonna eat them." I say.

"We're friends with 'the chick with the sword', 'the girl with the knives' and 'the kid in the hat'." Carol says.

We drag the man into the hut at gun point and he doesn't struggle. Carol wraps a tie-wrap around his wrists. "They attacked us, we're just holding them," he says.

"And I don't believe you," Carol says.

"Who else do you have?" Tyreese asks. "Do you know their names?"

"We just have the kids and the samurai. That's it. We were just protecting ourselves," the man answers.

"I don't believe you." Carol repeats.

"There's a bunch of us out there, in six different directions. There was a lot of gunfire back home. We have to set off our charges all at the same time, to confuse the dead ones away. That's good for you too."

"No it isn't," Carol says. "There's a herd, heading towards Terminus right now. We don't wanna confuse them away. We're gonna need their help."

"It's a compound. They'll see you comin'. If you even make it that far, with all the cold bodies heading over." the man argues. Carol ignores him and starts to leave, taking this guy's knapsack.

"Carol," Tyreese says, stopping her. "How you gonna do this?" Carol hesitates for a moment and then the firm look fills her eyes again.

"I'm gonna kill people." she says as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

Tyreese lines a cooler with blankets and lays baby Judith in it. The man asks him if she has a name and Tyreese ignores him, but the man asks again. Tyreese hesitates before answering. "Judith."

"She yours?" the man asks him.

"Are you stupid or just blind?" I snap. "Look at her? Does she look like her dad's black?"

"A friend." Tyreese says quietly.

"You're a good guy." the man tells him.

"You don't know anything about me."

"Yeah, but you're the kind of guy who saves a six year old and a baby."

"I'm eight." I say coldly.

"You're a good guy, I can see it. That's why you're gonna die today. That's why the baby and the kid's gonna die today."

"Hey," I say. "I bet you've got her dad at Terminus."

"I told you. We just have the samurai and the kids." the man argues.

"Yeah? Do you know what their names are? Based on how you described the "kids"," I say, using air quotation marks, "they sound exactly like my sister and her brother, and our friend."

"I don't know their names." He says.

"Well, if I know my sister, she wouldn't go anywhere without her boyfriend, y'know, 'the kid with the hat', or our mum, so you probably have them all locked up." I say.

"See, that's where you're wrong. The kids we have there, are too young to be "Girlfriend/Boyfriend"."

"You said fourteen, right? Ask Tyreese," I say. The man looks at Tyreese.

"Sorry, but she's right. They've virtually been together, since they met. So about four months, yeah."

"Now just to be sure, we're going to play a game." I say. "I'll ask you their names, and you'll answer, or—" I say, pulling out my knife. "I'll slash you once."

"Sammy," Tyreese starts.

"Aw, that's cute," the man states.

"Tyreese, they have my family. Probably yours too. And what about Judith's? They're probably there too." I say. "And we'll see just how cute it is. The girl with the knives, what was her name?"

"I don't know." He answers.

"Wrong answer," I say. I lift his trouser leg, revealing thick muscle. I dig my knife in, and pull it towards myself.

(A/N: Tell me if you think it's inappropriate that I have an eight year old torturing someone. What are your thoughts on this chapter?

                            ________RiggsPie xoxox

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