Chapter Seven

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“What’s the cure, Eugene?” Sasha breaking the agonizing silence.

“I told you, that’s classified,” he answers.

“We don’t know what’s gonna happen,” Michonne counters.

 “You leave him be.” Abraham states.

“We need to keep workin’,” Maggie interjects.

“Come on Eugene. I thought we were past this. At least some of us could keep up,” I say.

“Yeah, it’s time to hear it. We don’t know what’s comin’ next,” Sasha says.

“What’s next is we get outta this,” Tara says.

 “All right then. In the best scenario, we walk out there into a hell storm of bullets, fire and walkers,” he says. “I’m not fleet of foot and I sure as hell can’t take down a dead one with sharp buttons and a hell of confidence.”

“Yeah, but we can,” I say.

“And we will,” Michonne adds. Sasha stands up.

“You don’t owe us anything. Not yet,” she says. “But we just wanna hear it.”

“You don’t have to,” Rosita says. Eugene ignores her.

“I was part of a 10-person team at the Human Genome Project to weaponize diseases to fight weaponized diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms with pathogenic microorganisms. Fire with fire,” he says. “Interdepartmental drinks were had, relationships made, information shared. I am keenly aware of the all details behind fail-safe delivery systems to kill every living person on this planet. I believe with a little tweaking on the terminals in D.C., we can flip the script. Take out every last dead one of them. Fire with fire. All things being equal, it does sound pretty badass.”

I take a second to let what he said sink in. “We can’t be stuck in here for much longer,” I say.

“So let’s get back to work,” Maggie says, as I stuff everything in my bag. I zip it and shove it on my back. We hear a few thumps on the door and Carl jumps to his feet, his face lighting up. The door noisily opens and there stands Rick, with Daryl, Glenn, and Bob fighting walkers close behind.

“To the fence!” I hear Rick yell and I clutch my knife and a chunk of wood. We sprint for the fence, but Carl stops and hugs his dad. I stab a walker in the eye and see that it has a gun. “Cover me!” I yell at whoever listens and Abraham takes out the three walkers that are closest to me. I take the walker’s holster and the gun then dig through it’s pocket, finding a box of ammo and a Zippo lighter. “Done,” I yell as we run for the fence again and Abraham slices most of a walker’s head off. There’s already a heavy blanket over the barbed wire that tops the fence.

“Go!” Abraham yells, lifting me over the fence but he stays to help the rest of the group over it. My mum, Tara, Eugene, Carl and Michonne are already waiting and we wait for the rest. They pile over, one by one; Bob, Maggie, Sasha, Glenn, Rosita, Daryl, Rick. Abraham climbs over and I know that everyone’s here. I run to Daryl and hug him. I know that he isn’t comfortable with human contact but he wraps his muscular arms around me. “I’m glad you’re not dead,” I say.

“Yeah? Well someone had to look out for you,” he says laughing a little.

We begin to walk through the woods and I realise where we’re heading. The place we buried our weapons. I start to walk faster, leading the group with Rick. We find the marked tree, and Daryl digs up the shovel, tossing it to me. I start to dig. “What are we standing around out here for?” Abraham asks.

“Weapons,” Rick answers, taking the shovel from me and digging. “Some supplies.” He pulls the bag out of the ground. “We’ll go round the fence, use the rifle to take the last of them out.”

“Are you kidding me? That place is on fire, and full of walkers.” Rosita says.

“They don’t deserve to live,” Rick argues.

“The fences are down. They’ll run or die,” Maggie says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Daryl turn to face the other direction. Then he starts to run and I have to look as he throws his arms around Carol. I stare in disbelief as Carol and Daryl share a long embrace. It’s the first time they’ve seen each other in months. Carol mysteriously disappeared from the prison one day and a few days later, Daryl had told me that Rick kicked her out. That he had done it because she killed Karen and David, trying to contain the flu virus. I run over to her now and I see that she’s carrying Daryl’s crossbow. He cups her face and they look into each other’s eyes. It’s clear that they have feelings for one another. I keep that thought to myself though.

Rick runs next. “You do all that?” he asks her, smiling. She nods. “Thank you,” he says then hugs her.

“You have to come with me,” she says to Rick. She looks at me, “You, too.”

I give Carl the gun and ammo that I found on the walker. “It’s mines,” he says, looking at it.

“Well, it is now,” I say, a little confused.

“No. It’s really mines,” he says pointing to the butt of it. There’s a small engraving, CG. “The walker you got must have been one of the Terminus guys. Thank you,” he says to me.

“No problem,” I say. I load my Beretta 9000S and tuck my knives into their usual places and for the first time since we were trapped in that steel hell, I don’t feel naked.

Maggie takes my rifle and my mum takes the other pistol. We start to walk, following Carol. “Where are we going?” I ask her.

“You’ll see.” is all she says.

About forty-five minutes later we come to a road. “Five more minutes, I promise.” Carol says. Sure enough, about three minutes later we come to a little hut. There’s a man coming out, closing the door behind him and carrying something. Behind him, there’s a little figure that’s hard to make out, but I’d recognize those blonde curls anywhere. I run as fast as my legs will carry me and she does too. I come crashing into her and I’m aware of footsteps behind me but I don’t care. I clutch her as tight as I possibly can. “Kaitlyn!” she sobs.

“Sammy!” I whisper as the tears stream down my face. 

Don't Let Me Go ~ A Carl Grimes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now