Chapter Two

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At first, I see nothing but blackness, and hear nothing but a high pitched ringing. I'm bewildered, and not sure where I am. "Help! Help! I can't see or hear!" I think really loudly, but no noise escapes me. I notice that I'm laying on my side, with my arm across my chest. I feel someone's rough hand taking mine and I hear fuzzy voices. The darkness stays and the voices shift. Maybe, I'm just mad, I think to myself. Maybe the last two years were a dream. 

"Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn, can you hear me? Anne!" I hear a voice yell. It's Carl's, which alerts me to the fact that I'm still in this shithole of a world, that I'm still trapped in an abandoned train car. 

"Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn!" my mother yells. Her despair makes me cry inside but nothing shows on the outside. "Kaitlyn, my sweet girl, please come back to me. Please, I can't lose you too," I stay motionless, but not by choice. I can't move, or speak and I'm aware now that the darkness is the inside of my eyelids. I can't open my eyes.

"Shit!" I hear Carl mutter. "Where's my dad?" he asks.

"They took 'em," I hear a gruff voice say.

"Who's all gone?" I hear Michonne ask.

Maggie's voice answers, "Rick and Glenn."

"Bob," I hear another voice. Sasha.

"Yeah, Daryl's gone too." my mum adds. Daryl's gone?! I think of the last things that I said to him and each of them were kind of mean. What if I never see him again? What if I never see anyone again? This could be death for all I know.

"Kaitlyn, sweetie, you gotta wake up," I hear Maggie say while pressing her fingers to my neck."She has a pulse but it's weak," she tells my mother. So I'm alive, huh? Just my luck. "She was right next to that canister when it went, but one of those bastards might have hit 'er or somethin'. We won't know for sure until she wakes up."

"If she wakes up, you mean." My mum's already doubting my strength. Well, then again, so am I. 

"Kait, please. Wake up," Carl whispers in my ear as he pulls my head onto his lap, just as he did when Rick was injured. "I love you."

I love you too! I scream inside my mind but stay completely still on the outside. Carl strokes my head as he whispers to me. He reminds me of some of the great memories we had. "Do you remember when we took all the little kids out and taught them how to play basketball? I fell and hit my nose. It started to bleed and you ran over, but you tripped on the ball. You landed on the ground beside me with a split lip. We just laughed and laughed until our sides hurt." he says. "I'd give anything for a moment like that again,  but we won't even have a chance unless you wake up. Please."

I feel a new hand clutch mines and my mum begins to speak. "Please, baby girl. Wake up." I feel my eyelids flutter open. "Oh! Thank God you're okay!" my mum says, squeezing my hand.

"I love you, Kait." Carl kisses my forehead the way he has a thousand times before. "How's your head?"

"Oh... just fantastic," I say sarcastically.

Don't Let Me Go ~ A Carl Grimes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now