Chapter Twenty Three

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Sorry it's taken so long, but I'm not in the best of health, guys. But anyway, here it is. I made it extra long, just for you. Enjoy,

                                                    Kaitlyn xoxox


"It's definitely broken," Maggie confirms, examining Eric's ankle., giving me a second opinion.

"I thought so. What are we going to do?" I ask.

"We just have to keep him as still as possible. When Rick, Glenn and Michonne come back, we see where we go from there." Daryl is standing outside the little storage room and waiting for the rest of them to show up. Maggie bites her lip and her eyes glaze over.

"They'll be okay," I try to reassure her.

"I know," she says, still chewing her lip. "I know," she repeats a bit more forcefully.

"You good here?" I ask.

"Yeah, off you go. Go find Loverboy," Maggie jokes, giving a forced laugh. She is still struggling with Beth's death and now Glenn is missing. They'll be back. They always are.

"Oh yeah. Haha," I answer, rolling my eyes. I give Maggie a hug and get up and leave the room. When I get into the other room I catch a glimpse of Carl sitting in the corner cradling Judith and Sammy is asleep at his feet. I smile at him but Rosita calls me over to her. "Hey," I say. "What's up?"

"How are you feeling?" she asks.

"Yeah, a lot better now," I answer. I look behind her and see our food lined up on a shelf. Abraham, Tara and Noah cleared a nearby grocery store and came back with a few things. I grab a jar of pickles. "I'm actually hungry, to be honest."

"Well, that's a good sign, but don't eat all of those. The acid in the vinegar will make you ill again," she tells me.

"Well, I ate a whole jar this morning. And the funny thing is, I used to hate pickles." I laugh. Rosita smiles and shakes her head. She suddenly snaps her head up, with a concerned look on her face.

"Maybe... Maybe you could... What if you're..." she fumbles.

"What? I haven't been bitten if that's what you're worried about."

"No... It's just... Never mind. I'm just over-thinking the situation. It was probably just a stomach bug."

"Okay," I start. "I'm going to go get some sleep. I'm still so tired." Rosita nods and I walk over to Carl.

"Hey," he says in a whisper so that he doesn't wake Sammy or Judith. "What did Rosita want?" he asks.

"Nothing," I answer. "Just checking how I'm feeling."

"Oh. How are you feeling?" he asks, looking at me.

"Yeah. I'm good. I'm starving, though," I giggle, holding up my jar of pickles.

"Seriously, Kait? That's your second jar today," Carl says. "Save some for the rest of us. Jeez." He cracks a smile and I return it.

"They're back!" I hear someone yell. Carl hands Judith to me and runs for the door. I rest Judith's head on my shoulder and follow him. I stand at the door and watch everyone hug and reunite and I smile. Everyone comes inside and the door is closed. Carl comes and stands next to Judith and I. He leans down and I feel him kiss me on the cheek.

"Maybe everything will be alright," he says.

"We're well over-due a bit of good luck." I add. "Hey, did you know that Eric is Aaron's boyfriend?"

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