Wesley Vance 2

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I told Wes the whole story, from telling Sam to waking up in the hospital and talking with the doctors. It wasn't easy, but I'm glad I told him. When I finish he looks at me shocked and is unable to speak. Right now we are sitting in the grass by Bella's grave.

"How far along were you?" He says while he stares at my stomach.

"When I went to my first checkup the doctor said maybe about 2 months, but the trip was a week later. So I guess you could say I was two months and one week along."

"You hadn't even finished the first trimester." He whispers

"How do you know what that is?" I ask laughing.

"Oh umm...well when we were together Nate had told me that I should learn about babies and stuff. He said it would be good for us if something ended up happening and you got...you know pregnant."

"He always was such a smarty pants, I guess he could tell the future too." I say as I look up at the sky and mentally thank him.

"Ok well actually me and Nate kinda thought you were pregnant." I look at him shocked.


"Well you used to wear crop tops and tight shirts, especially when we went to the beach, but you hadn't worn one in months. You also got heavier, like when we took pictures the second time you just felt heavier. Oh and uhh when we were at the hotel we hugged and, I thought I was just paranoid, but I swear I felt a little bump." I smiled at his perceptiveness.

"Yeah I did have a tiny bump." I say and look at the grass.

"Can you tell me about the hospital again?" I sigh and nod my head.

"I woke up on a Friday and I was intubated, the doctors said I had been in a coma for a week. When I could finally talk I asked them where everyone was. They said that Sam and Nate were in the ICU and that you had been released a few days prior." I pause and look at him, but he won't meet my eyes.

"I had completely forgotten I was pregnant, but when I did I asked how she was doing. I mean I assumed she was either still in me or they had taken her to the ICU."

"When I asked the room went silent, and my father had to walk my mother out of the room. At the time I didn't understand why everyone was being so weird, but I understood as soon as they started apologizing." I look down at the grass, ashamed.

"I lost it, I told them that they were wrong, that there was no way she could be gone. I mean I was only two months along, I was excited to see her face, I wanted to know who she was gonna look more like. But now I've got people standing all around my room saying that will never happen." My voice starts to quiver, but I continue.

"Dayton was the first person there-"

"Fu**ing Dayton." He groans annoyed.

"Can you quit it?" I ask pissed

"This isn't about him it's about us and our daughter." He apologizes and nods his head.

"He was the one who told me you were gone. He said that you had gone home and would be right back, but then you never came. Then all hell broke loose. My mom started having an anxiety attack, my brothers were ready to hunt you down, but I was the worst one. I was screaming and crying at telling the doctors that they had to help Bella." I sniffle and look up at him.

"I never want to feel like that again, and for the record I wasn't joking when I said we would never be what we used to. I am only talking to you right now because you deserve to know your daughter. This will be the last time I cry in front of you." I say with tears rimming my eyes.

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