Im back...i guess

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(Just a little note, this isn't Soph's POV)
This can't be real.
There's no way she's actually here.
It's been six years, and now all of a sudden she's back in my life.
More like I'm back.

"Hey man," Jason waves his hand in my face, bringing me back to reality. "Chill out ok, it's probably not best to stare at someone who barely knows you anymore."

"But look at her. When did she get so..."

"Hot, I know" some random kid at our table says.

"Watch yourself freshman," Jason warns as he turns back to me. "She isn't seeing anyone, but she probably won't be for a while."

"Why not, I see guys looking at her in the halls." I say annoyed.

"A lot changed while you were gone. Including Soph, she's not that same innocent and put together little wild child we used to know."

"Whatever, how much could've changed? She still looks the same, I mean she just got..."

"Hot," that same freshman boasted.

"Didn't I tell you to watch your mouth," Jason says annoyed.

"Nahhh it's fine Jase. So what was he saying about Soph again?" Beck, Soph's brother, asks. The kid doesn't say anything except a quick sorry before taking off out the door. I mean I get that he's your captain man, but come on, that was sad.

I look over at her again and catch her laughing at something her friends said. Still as beautiful as I remember. But she probably wants nothing to do with me. God I miss hearing her laugh.

"Stop drooling, idiot," Beck grunts

"Oh sorry man, I was just-"he cuts me off

"Checking out my sister, yeah just like every other dude in here right now. It's cool man."
I look at him stunned. "You really think I forgot who you are, never in a million years. Especially with that accent." He smiles, but it doesn't seem genuine. This definitely isn't the Beckham I remember growing up with.

"Just watch your back, cause we don't take to kindly to people hurting our little sister. She's had enough heartbreak to fill a lifetime." Beck says as he gets up and walks to her table. When he gets over to them he looks back at me, winks, and leans down putting his palms flat on their table. What the heck is no no. I am not for ready her to see me.

Apparently I'm just an extremely paranoid person cause she doesn't look back at me, in fact nobody at her table even glances my way. Beck just leans down gives her a kiss on the cheek and walks over to another table.

After lunch ends I throw out my trash and wait for Jason to catch up with me. Jason and I met each other through Soph, and we've been close ever since. All of us were childhood friends. It was great, up until I moved away. Jason and I never lost contact, but I guess she didn't want to see me. Some stuff did go down, but I thought she'd at least call after we settled down. Nope. Not once did she call, write, text. She could've sent an email for all I care.

"Man you gonna come tryout tonight," I look at Jason like he's stupid, cause he is.

"The seasons about to start you idiot, I missed tryouts." I say while I hit him upside the head.

"I know," he says rubbing the back of his head "but I may have talked to coach, and he may have watched your reals and told me to bring you." He admits.

Guess I'm going to football tryouts.

A few hours later

Right now I'm at tryouts talking with Jason about some girl he was talking to a few weeks ago.
"Are you joking right no-"

"What're you talking about losers," what's with these kids and cutting me off. Beck warps his arms around our necks. Jason starts shoving Beck because he's all sweaty, while Beck goes on about some party he got invited to, and that's when it happens.
My heart stops and my body freezes.

There she is.
Right on the bleachers.
Staring at me.
And then she's up.
And she's leaving.

I get loose from Beck and run to the parking lot. I walk around sweating, cause it's hotter than two field mice stuck in a sock, as Jason would say. I look for a good twenty minutes, but I can't find her. I turn around cursing and tired.

"You always were the worst at hide-and-seek."
I look up and there she is, beautiful as ever.
Her dark brown hair in a low bun. A little taller. But everything's...bigger. If you catch my drift.

"So," she says staring at my uniform "your back."

"I'm back, I guess" I mumble

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