It was all a lie

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"Excuse me?"

What is this woman talking about? She's my mother?

She slowly clamps a hand over her mouth before speaking. "I am so sorry, it-I didn't mean for it to come out so abruptly."

"Amelia, if this is some prank or experiment to see how I would react, it's not funny."

"Sophronia, I'm being completely serious right now."

"Then why don't I believe you?"

"I don't know how I'm supposed to get you to believe me."

"Sounds like a personal problem," I huff under my breath.

"Your family knows about this, I promise if you ask them, or just listen to what I have to say, you will believe me."

"So what, my dad cheated on my mom and they decided to keep it a secret?" I ask, this lady really must think I'm an idiot.

"Well not exactly," she mumbles. She needs to just get to the point, I'm not in the mood for some wacko psychiatrist to be playing tricks on my mind.

"Oh my lord," I grumble. "If you know everything then answer me this. Who is my mother?"

"Me," she answers softly

I nod, "well then who's my father?"

She gets tense, but continues to look deep into my eyes. "I don't really think it's a good idea to mention him."

"So now that I've caught you in your lie you wanna make a new narrative."

"Sopronia, I am being serious, do not seek you father out, he is a dangerous man."

"Am I supposed to assume that's why you two are no longer together?"

"I suppose you could say that."

"I'm sorry, but none of this makes sense. I can't believe anything you tell me, it all sounds like some screwed up joke."

"I had you when I was fifteen."

"Listen- just tell me what you're trying to say about my family. Just tell the truth and admit that you and my dad slept together." I spit

"Your father, your real father, was into some dangerous stuff, but I was younger. He was sixteen when I got pregnant, I told him and for a while we stayed together. We had another baby, a boy, but after he was born things got...messy."

"Your father started to go out more, people would come over to the house looking for him. Not just any people, sketchy men, I saw guns on a few of them. He started getting restless, the smallest thing would set him off. He was getting violent, at first it was just towards me, but I got scared because I knew once you got older he would do the same thing to you and your brother. At that point he wasn't someone I could recklessly and blindly trust, he had demons that were far to dangerous for me to try and defeat."

"When I dropped you off at the adoption center I was going to leave your brother too, but your father called. I had to lie and tell him you were spending the night with my parents. If he found out I left you I don't know if I would be alive right now, but I never meant to leave you for so long. My plan was to leave the two of you at sperate centers, so he wouldn't be able to find you, and come back a few years later when it was safe. It was never safe, I didn't get the chance to leave your brother because I left the penthouse that night."

"Um, your brother, he doesn't know much about you, just that I put you up for adoption. He also barely knows anything about your father so if you could leave that under the rug when you meet him-"

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