Glowing Pregnant Lady

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This week has flown by since I've been hanging out with Dianne everyday. Since I was excused from school I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could; I really feel like with her pregnancy I should be around more. Recently she's been getting morning sickness, so she took most of the week off from school. She hasn't been to a doctor yet, but she thinks she's about a month along and holy cow is she glowing. I know people say that pregnant women radiate this like amazing vibe, but Dianne is on another level.

"Sophhhhhh," she groans from her spot on the sofa.


"You have to tell him."

"Are you crazy? That kid is all y'all ok, I'm not the idiot that didn't use protection."

"You don't have to come at me like that," she mumbles.

"I'm sorry, but I gotta give you some tough love. You would have killed Liv if she got pregnant, I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine."

"I can never get on her again," she groans

"What do you mean?"

"How am I supposed to be all up in her business when I got pregnant at sixteen and she's thriving being single," she laughs.

"Sounds like a personal problem to me," I joke.

"The real problem is Benji."

"What about him?"

"How am I supposed to tell him that I'm pregnant, but I've known for like three weeks."

"Three weeks? You just told me last week."

"You were the first person I thought of."

"Liv could give just as good advice."

"Yeah but she's never been pregnant."

"True, that's not what you need to worry about right now. You seriously need to tell him as soon as possible."

"I know, but I don't know how he's gonna react."

"It's Benji, he'll be so excited."

"I hope so."

"We're having dinner out tomorrow night, like the whole family, if you want to just rip off the band-aid why not tell him then?"

"Are you sure that's not too dramatic, it's a family dinner I don't wanna look like I'm trying to get attention."

"Yeah it's fine, I mean how dramatic can a dinner meeting get. But if you really don't wanna say it in front of everyone, just excuse yourself and get Benji to come with you."

"Dinner meeting?"

"Yeah, there's some lady my mom set up for me to meet."

"I really hope everything goes well with Benji."

"It will, I promise."

"Enough of that serious talk, how are things with Dayton?"


"Yeah, after the whole thing at the fair y'all seemed kinda distant."

"We're good, we watched a movie last night and everything was pretty chill." Except for the part where he basically said he wanted me and then asked me to prom like nothing ever happened.


"What are you mmhhm'n for?"

"Just wondering what y'all could be talking about that's making you smile so hard."

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