We just...(editing)

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"Well we should go before they think we fell down the toilet." Liv says as she opens the door. We leave the bathroom and head back to the rest of our group, never saying anything. I look around the restaurant at all the people, taking, laughing, enjoying each others company. The longer I stare the more I start to wonder, when was the last time my family looked like that? As we are walking towards the table we run into Max and he asks to talk to me.

She gives me a look before stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets and huffing. "I'm gonna go sit down, take all the time you need." She turns on her heel and slowly meanders back to her seat.

Max and I walk a little further towards the back of the shop. Past the entrance to the kitchen, but not so far that I can't see my brothers. We stop beside the old stove that was supposed to be thrown out years ago. It's rust and tarnished white color being back memories of my family that I had long forgotten. And rightfully so, because it's easier to forget than wish we had something we can never get back.

"What is it?" I ask as I turn to him, my hip leaning on the wall, decorated in outdated flower wallpaper. It looks like it came straight out of my granny's house, but it adds character to the cute little spot.

He looks at me for a long while before huffing and joining me with his back against the wall. "Are you ok?"

"What is with everyone today? Yeah I'm fine." I say with a soft smile.

"I just- I hate seeing you like this." He glances at me before squeezing his eyes shut and slumping against the wall.

"Hey I'm fine, I promise. You know I'd tell you if something was up." I give his shoulder a light punch and rest my head against the wall.

"Yeah because you have such a good track record with that." He says making me laugh

"Well you don't need to worry."

"I love you, ok."

"I know Max, and I love you right back." I say smiling, no matter all the shit that's going on, I know Max will always be constant. He won't leave me, he'll care about me and I'll care about him. I'll know exactly where we stand.

I'm about to say something when he looks at me and places his right hand on my cheek, staring into my eyes lazily. I shove it off of me playfully before pushing off of the wall. We stay like that for a moment, just looking at each other, before he does the same.

He takes two steps closer to me and stares me down. Before I realize what's happening his face leans close to mine and our lips meet.
He kissed me.

I'm kissing him.

Oh my god, I'm kissing him.

His hands cup my cheeks while mine fall limp at my sides, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to think or feel, I stand frozen with my eyes open. It's not one of those kisses that's sloppy and heated, it's slow and thoughtful. Whatever I'm meant to feel from this kiss isn't happening, all I feel is his warm, soft lips on mine as I struggle to have a coherent thought.

He pulls away and takes a step back, observing my disheveled state. Something in his eyes tells me he knows he screwed up, big time. "I meant it Soph, I love you." Is the last thing he says before he stalks off.

I stand in a daze as I slowly realize what just happened. I slap my hand over my mouth before I bang my head on the nearest wall. What did I just do? Great going Soph, you just stood there and kissed him. I contemplate booking it out the back door and into one of the cars, hoping they'll buy that I had a stomach ache, when I realize I don't have any keys. Life's just a jem isn't it.

As I struggle to come up with another idea I hear a voice behind me."Hey." I turn around and see Dianne watching me with a lopsided grin. Why's she looking at me like that? Don't tell me Max already spilled the beans, that idiot.

This couldn't get any worseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora