Skylynn Pastorello

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As soon as I'm about to break that shit up I hear yelling. I turn around and there stands Max screaming and shoving Dayton. Are you fracking kidding me. Can't a girl catch a damn break. I rush over with Dianne and Benji hot on my tail.

"You really thought you could fuck her and get away with it." He shouts

"What the hell are you talking about man. I just met you, chill out." Max starts laughing, but immediately stops when he catches my eyes.

"You really let him fuck you, Soph. Him of all people. The son of a bitch who left you." He seethes.

"Max, who told you that?" I say slowly walking towards him.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is you let him touch you."

"I didn't okay, I promise." I whisper trying to calm him down. This is horrible. The house is completely silent, they even turned the music off. That of course means everyone's watching us.


"Nothing happened ok, we just fell asleep. I swear." At this point I'm just scared he's gonna hurt somebody. I'm almost next to him when Dayton decides to be a smart ass.

"What the hell does it matter to you if we slept together. She's not your girl is she?" That sets Max off and he lunges at him. Before I know what's happening Dayton's on the floor and Max is on top of him. He's throwing punch after punch. I try to shove him off but it doesn't work. A few of the hockey guys, Benji's friends, come over and split them up.

Dayton lays on the ground before slowly getting up. When he fully stands he looks back and fourth between me and Max, grunts, then walks to the bathroom. I go to follow after him, but Max calls me.

"Don't leave," he pleads almost crying.

"Hey it's ok," I say. I go to hug him, but stop when I smell all the alcohol on him. "You know you can't drink Max."

"Hey, I can hold my liquor." He grins

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it." I say disappointed. His dad used to be a raging alcoholic. "Were you drinking before you moved back?"

"Maybe a little," he mumbles looking at the floor. He looks up at me tears running down his face.
"I just wanna go home." I ask him if he brought his house keys, but that just makes him violently shake his head. "I can't go back like this. My mom...I just can't." I nod my head.

Dayton gave me the car key earlier in case me or Liv needed to put our bags in there. I drop Max off and tell him I'll be right back. I can't drive.

I walk back into the house and the first people I see are Liv and Grace. I grab Liv and walk Grace over to Dianne after telling her that we gotta go. Liv doesn't go down easy so I end up having to get three hockey players to carry her out. By the time they get her in the car she and Max are dead asleep. I buckle them up and prepare myself for the biggest task. Getting Dayton to drive us home. Well actually I have to get him to talk to me first.

Marching back up the front steps I walk through the door, I look to my right and my left. I don't see him so I walk to the living room.

You have got to be fracking kidding me. This dipshit is making out with Skylynn Pastorello. There's no way he got drunk that fast. His tongue is so far down her throat I can practically see it coming out of her ass.

I yank him by the collar and gain his full attention. He looks at me, boredom written all over his face.

"I need you to drive us home," I say impatiently. He pretends to be in deep thought and replies no thanks I think I'm good. Dick.

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