Wesley Vance

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I look up and see a little girl smiling at me, she can't be more than one. She starts taking steps towards me and stumbles, as she falls I reach out to grab her. Once she's upright again she starts giggling.

I look at her a while longer when I see it. The eyes, the nose, the lips, she looks exactly like Wes. The resemblance is uncanny everything except her hair, that looks much more like my natural hair. Is this what she would've looked like? Would she have been this tan with blue eyes and dark brown hair?


She asks and I can't look at her without feeling guilty. I guess this is my sign. Today is the day.

'Yeah you'll meet dada real soon, I promise." My eyes get misty and I kiss her head.

I wake up in a daze, it's 4:30 in the morning. Without hesitation I reach for my phone and dial the number.

"Hello." He answers groggily.

"Hey." I whisper back. I hear shuffling and then there's a pause.


"The one and only." I laugh softly.

"It's...4:32 in the morning. Do you need something?"

"Uhh yeah actually, are you busy right now?"

"Right now, umm yea I'm kinda in the middle of sleeping."

"Okay great, I'll swing by your house at 5:00. Be dressed we're going out." I hear him groan before he agrees and I hang up.

I hurry to get ready and drive the 5 minutes it takes to get to his place. Once I get there I text him and drive through the gate. While I'm waiting I blast the heaters cause he's always cold.

He walks out of his place looking as expensive as ever. A limited addition white Tommy Hilfiger coat and some fancy tennis shoes that I've never seen before. A white shirt and black ripped jeans to match.

"Hey Mr.rich rich." I say as he hops in.

He looks at me and then smiles lightly. His parents are just like mine, always working, but at least they spend time with him. That's why he can leave at 5am without a worry.

"What is this music?" He asks laughing

"Umm legit awesomeness. Dua Lipa is a queen."

"Well Dua Lipa needs to take a break. Lemme play my music?" He asks and I agree.

"You call this music?"

"Uhh yeah and you used to love this song." He says matter of factly and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I did, but I couldn't just let you have a better song." I say and he laughs.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I ask him

"Nahh, have you?"

"Nope let's go grab some chicken biscuits."

Once we get our food we stop at a park and eat in the car. I turn the heat down and sit criss-cross facing Wes. The sun was shining in my eyes, but I didn't feel like pulling down the visor so I just put my hand up.

This couldn't get any worseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat