Happy Belated Christmas

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Ok, so Dayton and I talked a little more about what happened. He basically said that he needed money and asked an old friend for help, they gave him some random dudes number and he took the offer. The dude gave him the money, but of course now he wants it back.

He has 500 left in debt to this dude. I finally got Dayton to agree to let me pay in full and have him pay me back in installments. It's been a few days since he got his beating and he already looks a lot better, he's been telling everybody that he got jumped for cash.

Anyways it's the day after Christmas and there are six other families at our house right now. Usually it's just Dianne, Grace, Liv, and Jason's families who come over, but this year we added Dayton and Max's families.

We've been playing board games, talking, drinking hot chocolate, eating cookies, the usual. Well everything except playing in the snow. We live in Tennessee, to be a little more precise we live not too far out from Memphis. So snow is basically nonexistent.

When we do get snow we can get out of school if there's three inches of it. It's awesome, but also ridiculous. The kids hate it cause they love snow, I mean Max's siblings are the only younger ones who have actually played in snow. We try to make up for it by getting fake snow and snowballs and they seem to be enjoying themselves.

The parents are in the living room watching the kids, the guys are watching tv in the movie room, and us girls are are sitting in my room eating and talking. We were with the guys at first but separated after they started debating about which ninja turtle character was better.

At 6:15 there's a knock on my door, I tell them to come in and in step my brothers, Jason, Max, two random dudes, and Dayton. I shoot up when I get a good look at the two random guys.

"What happened?" I ask and Dayton groans as River try's to hold him up.

"Apparently they got in a fight with some guys when they were at the store." I look at Dayton knowingly, they weren't at the store, they were giving that asswipe his money.

"Hurry up, we had to sneak them up here so none of the parents would get suspicious." Frankie urges

"Ok, Benji and Auggie, take them to my bathroom." I say indicating the two guys I don't know.

"Lay Dayton on my bed River, Anderr go grab some towels and soak them with cold water." I say as I walk to the bathroom

"Oh, and Jason can you just like move Dayton's legs and arms, see if anything seems sprained or broken." He nods

Once I walk into the bathroom Auggie helps me set everything up. I work on one guy as Auggie try's his best to copy what I'm doing on the other. The first guy, the one I was working on, was in much better shape than the other one. Once I get finished the first guy goes to lay down and I help Auggie work on his guy. To keep him calm and relaxed Auggie starts talking to him.

"So what's your name?"

"Uhh Jax, Jax Tayler." He says with a groan

"No sh*t man, do you play for Buckingham?" Auggie asks excitedly

"Yeah." Jax says with a small laugh

"I've seen you play so many times, you're great. That's my dream school." He whines

Buckingham is like this super elite university, only the best athletes and geniuses get in. Auggie's had his eye on that school since the day he started playing lacrosse. I mean he honestly has everything, he's a starting athlete and is the valedictorian of his class.

"Well remember you graduate this year, you already sent out applications right?" I say as I continue to patch Jax up.

"Stop worrying so much, everything is done, now I just have to get accepted."

"Well I bet you're pretty good." Jax says with a slight smile

"Pretty good," Dayton groans as he walks in. "This kid kicks ass on the field." He says making me roll my eyes "What's wrong doll face?" 

"I will f**k you up Ryder." I snarl at him

"Ryder?" Jax asks

"That's his last name." I say as Dayton jabs me in the side

"You don't need to tell him that."

"Sorry, just thought that since y'all got the sh*t beat out of you together you were besties." I say with a tight smile.

"Damn man, you got a feisty one," Jax says as he looks at Dayton and they laugh.

"Who said he had me," I say rolling my eyes causing Jax to burst out laughing.

Jax and Auggie start talking again as I clean Dayton up. I look at his eyes once to catch him staring at me and I look away immediately. When I catch a glimpse of the other two guys in the room Jax is smiling at Auggie and I gotta say, I wouldn't hate if they got closer, he seems like a good kid. I mean Auggie has never really been the type to stand up for himself and he could use someone like Jax in his life.

"Hey I'm gonna go help him lay down." Auggie says as he helps Jax off the vanity.

"Ok, just be careful."

Once they leave, the room goes silent. I'm almost finished washing the blood off of Dayton's face when he grabs my wrist and stops my hand. I look up and meet his eyes, but shrug him off and finish cleaning him up. I get done and tell him that when he finishes his shower I'll do the final touches.

I turn around and walk to the shower, bending over to turn it on. I hear feet padding the floor as I stand up and as soon as I reach my full height I feel arms around my waist. I sag against his body and lean my head back onto his shoulder as he snuggles his into the crook of my neck.

"I'm fine, I promise."

"If your face looks this good that means the rest of you is horrible."

"You aren't wrong," he mumbles into my neck.

"Get in the shower?" I ask, hoping he says yes.

"Gladly." I can feel his smile against my skin.

"Stay?" He asks softly

"Yeah I'll be right over there if you need me." I say pointing to the vanity. I walk away from him and lean onto the counter.

I look away as he changes and he laughs. I ask what's so funny and he says that I can look if I want, at this I shake my head vigorously.

"Why not?"

"Cause I wouldn't want you to look at me," I mumble.

"Then I wouldn't," he says from right behind me.

"You aren't even naked," I say as I shove him lightly.

"Well I'm about to be." He says as he starts taking his pants off and I again look away

"Just get in the damn shower." I say blushing

"Yes ma'am." I hear the curtain open and shut before I finally look up.

I climb on the counter and wait for him to get done. When he finishes I patch him up and he gets dressed. We walk out to see everyone asleep wherever they could fit. Some people are on my couches, others in my bed, the rest found blowup mattresses somewhere.

We decide to go sleep in Dayton's room, but on our way out we accidentally wake Anderr and he tells us they already set up a mattress for us. We look over and see one in the corner that's already been blown up and has sheets.

As I lay down Dayton notices that Grace is sleeping on the couch. He walks over and offers her the other spot on the mattress. She happily obliges and comes to lay with me.

"I feel like we haven't talked in forever." I say as she lays down

"I know, we'll have to catch up later."

"Why not now?"

"Girl it's 12 in the morning, I need my beauty sleep." She says making me laugh

"Goodnight Gracie."

"Night Soph."

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