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I am concussed.

We get to the med shack and the nurse starts checking my head. She's pressing and putting tools all in my face before she finally comes to the conclusion that I have a minor concussion.
She tells me that I should go see my doctor as soon as possible.

"No strenuous activity until you are cleared by your doctor."

"Well I have an audition coming up in a few weeks is that fine?"

"An audition for what?"

"An orchestra."

"That should be fine, but get it cleared by your doctor first."

"Can she walk?" Luke asks

"I'm concussed Luke, not paralyzed."

"But still." He pouts

"Will you feel better if I let you give me a piggy back ride?"

"Much," he says with a wide smile

"Then let's go."

"Mom is gonna flip." River says once Luke walks us out of the med shack.

"Well we better get Soph home so she can sleep." Frankie says

"Oh my god," I groan, "we were supposed to have dinner with that lady."

"Well it looks like we'll have to get a rain check." Luke says


"Soph you have a concussion, you need to go home and sleep." Dayton says

I lay my head on Luke's back and watch Dayton waking beside us.

"And you can't sleep on the couch tonight," he mumbles.

To be completely honest I haven't slept in my bed since I was diagnosed. I guess it's a sort of mental block. I know that my room is safe, but I just feel like I'll dream of her again. A women who I don't know, but feel so attached to. Not only her, but Bella. I love my daughter with all of my heart, that will never change. But it hurts seeing her and then waking up alone with this void in my heart.

"I won't." I mumble

"Good." Dayton says with a sigh

I haven't slept with Dayton since he went and chased after Max. I usually end up sleeping on an arm chair in Karson's room or a couch in the living room. Dayton always happens to be the person to find me.

Once we get to the car Luke let's me down and I climb into the back seat of his car. River rides in the passenger seat and Dayton sits beside me.

"Dayton there should be a blanket in the trunk for Soph, can you grab it?" Luke asks

"Yeah," Dayton says as he reaches over the seat and grabs an old quilt

"Frankie and Jax decided to hang back for a while so you've got some leg room if you wanna lay down." River says

I look at Dayton and he pats his lap. I make a pillow out of my jacket and lay down.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles


"For being an ass about the whole Max thing. I shouldn't have overreacted."

"Well I was hoping you were gonna apologize for Cassie, but I guess you're forgiven." I say with a yawn

"Cassie? What does she have to do with anything?"

"What do you mean, she's basically in love with you. And you looked like you were really enjoying her jokes too." I say and he laughs

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