Is this really happening

45 2 13

I did not expect this.
She's touching me.
More like cradling me.
Hold up let me take you back a little.

5 minutes ago
"So, you're back"
"I'm back, I guess" I say looking down at my cleats.

Next thing I know, I look up and she's running at me. Like full blown ready to knock me over. Then she jumps. And I catch her in my arms. Now let's get back to present time.

Present time
So now she's in my arms, with her legs wrapped around my torso, and her head in the crook of my neck. Did I forgot to mention that I'm still holding my helmet. I was so shocked that I didn't realize what was happening. But as soon as I did I dropped my helmet and held her. One hand was wrapped around her back and the other was placed on the bottom of her thigh.

But then she started crying. Like full on sobbing. Do you know how stressful that is. I haven't seen her in years and the first thing she does is cry, I don't know how to handle that.

I moved her so that one arm was under her butt and the other reached up to hold hold the back of her head. She wrapped her arms around my neck even tighter. Then she started crying even louder, how that was possible, I don't know. I moved my face so that I could whisper in her ear.

"It's ok, I'm back, I'm here," I tried my best to comfort her. We stayed like that till her breathing slowed back to normal and she stopped sniffling.

"You know, life really sucked without you," she said as she sat up and looked at me. I guess I was frowning because she pressed the part in the middle of my eyebrows. And instantly my face lit up, she was the only person who could always make me laugh.

"Do you have to go back to the field?" She asked me.

"Not if you don't want me to."

"I don't want you to."

"Then I'm staying." She hugs me again as I begin to walk over to my truck.

"I missed much."
"Me or the accent?" I asked making her laugh.

"The accent was always a nice bonus." She says before I sit her in the passenger seat. I was carrying her the whole time, christ was that a lot of work. She watches me walk to the drivers side and turn on the ignition.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask as she reaches over and turns on the radio.

"I just wanna stay right here, with you, until we have to go home." She said curling up in a ball.
My mom had always made me leave blankets in my car in case I broke down somewhere, so I reached back and grabbed them. I gave her a blanket and she laid her head down on my lap. I turned on the heat and started rubbing her head.

"You know you're gonna have to tell me what happened." I say softly

"What do you mean?"she asks turning onto her back to look at me.

"I mean, Jason told me that some stuff happened while I was gone." She shoots up off my lap and stares at me, "We have to talk about it eventually Soph."

"Yeah eventually, not now" she says climbing out of the truck.

"Where are you going?"

"To find my brothers so I can go home." She replies never turning back around. Soph really had changed. She never would've blown me off like that, this was serious not some joke.

Maybe I should've just left it alone and let her tell me.

And I didn't even get her number.

Soph's POV

Where the hell is he. I'm going to kill him. Who does he think he is telling people my business.
I walk over to Grant, one of the freshman on the team.

"Where is Jason?"

"He should be in the locker room showering." He tells me and as soon as the words leave his mouth I'm stomping in that direction. I hear Liv and Grace yelling asking where I'm going. They came with me because we had a project to work on. Dianne decided to leave early to do whatever it is she does.

I make it to the locker room and slam the door open. I storm past lockers, boys, some half naked, and then the showers. There is only one running and I didn't see him out with the rest of the team.

I yank the curtain open and low and behold, there's Jason butt naked.

"Next time you open your mouth telling other people's business remember who I am. I swear, if you keep going around yapping your mouth, so help me god I will shove my foot so far up your butt you'll still be pooping out laces for a year." I say, I look down and wink ", cute butt."

I sashay my cute self back out of the locker room with boys gawking at me. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Seven brothers remember.

Once I reach Liv and Grace on the stands I ask if they are hungry. We decide to go to Tacos4Life and text Dianne to see if she wants to come with. She responds saying she's super busy with some paper.

We all hop in the car with Beck and Jason(who btw won't look at me). We pick up our food and head to my house to eat and finish the project. When we pull up I notice a car sitting in the driveway that I don't recognize. Out hops this Lindsey Lohan lookalike, a little girl, a little boy, and Dayton. Wait WHAT.

"Why is he here Beck?" I ask ready break to something, most likely Dayton's face.

"I thought Luke called to tell you Dayton was staying with us for a while." Oh my gosh, I completely forgot.

"Yeah he did, but he didn't mention he was bringing the Brady Bunch."

"It's three other people." He rolls his eyes

"Yeah and that's four too many," I hiss as I lean back in my seat.

It's only the first day of school and I'm already losing it.
Emotional status: pissed

Sooooo I'm posting a lot this week
I've just been in a groove. Hope you enjoyed it.
Comment what your emotional status is

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