The Iron War

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(Five minutes before (Y/n) got kidnapped)

Ichika was looking for his camera, that fell onto some bushes.

Ichika: "Hm, it should be around here"

Ichika hears a clicking sound, followed by a few footsteps.  Ichika turns around to see M, the same girl that attacked him after his birthday.

Ichika: "You again"

Madoka: "Ichika Orimura, I am here to take your life"

She extends her arms and a bright light began to envelope her.

Madoka: "Come forth black knight"

Once the light died down Madoka was in her IS unit which retained some of it's feature of Silent Zephyrus but upgraded, while having a similar armor style from an Iron Man armor covering her entire body rather than a skin tight outfit.

One of her, "butterfly wings" turn into a lance and shot a blast towards Ichika.  Ichika managed to partially transform his arm to block the attack, although this took a big chunk out of his shield energy from that single attack.

Madoka: "This will be your end, Ichika"

She began to walking menacingly closer to Ichika.  She pulled out a plasma edged sword, something that would rival Ichika's IS blade.

Ichika: "Why do you want to kill me?"

Madoka: "It's not you that I want, you just keep getting in my way.  Who I want is your sister Chifuyu Orimura."

Ichika fully activated his IS and prepared to fight Madoka.

Ichika: "Than you'll have to go through me"

Madoka: "I'll make you wish that your dead, now -"

Just than armor tackled her sending Madoka into the air, Ichika sees that it was one of (Y/n)'s Iron legion armor.

Jarvis: "Good evening Mr. Orimura, I believe that you require some assistance with this particular opponent"

Just as Jarvis said that two more armors appeared next the first one.

 Ichika: "Thanks Jarvis, and remind me to thank (Y/n) when were done"

Jarvis: "Noted sir"

Meanwhile with Houki and Cecilia who were both looking for Ichika who was gone for a while and the train is going to leave soon.

Cecilia: "Oh my, now where can my poor Ichika be"

Houki: "I'm sure he's fine Cecilia, besides he's not a helpless puppy, he's probably coming back soon."

Cecilia: "But what if he's in danger"

Houki: "If there was danger, (Y/n) would be the either the epicenter of it or stopping it"

Cecilia was quiet since she couldn't argue with what Houki said, since (Y/n) has beaten everything that was thrown at him.

Houki: "C'mon I think Ichika went this way"

They Cecilia followed Houki until something exploded in front of them causing smoke and rubble to go everywhere.  Thankfully they both activated their IS before they could get hurt.  They both looked around to find a spider-like IS except she didn't have a skintight outfit, rather it looked similar to an Ironman suit.

Autumn: "Well, well, well, what do we have here.  A few little pigs lost in my woods, and this wolf is going to be well fed."

She began to fire missiles, gunfire, and low level repulsor rays.  Both Houki and Cecilia were on the defensive, once Houki got hit she realized how much in danger that she is in since it already took a third of her shield energy to block one of the lesser repulsor rays.

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