Warm Summer Days

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A/n:Sorry for the late upload I had a bit of writers block and since the outbreak I know have more homework.  I will work on this story as much as possible, so here we go. 

It has been months since (Y/n) has made the new arc reactor but he hasn't got out of his room since for the whole summer, and everyone was pretty worried.  Although there was worry from before that (Y/n) died but was soon their worry was gone when they found (Y/n) eating some of his cereal.  These past month's (Y/n) has been acting like a hermit only ever coming out of his room only if its necessary.

Currently Laura is trying to sneak in to see her 'bride' Ichika but to do that she would have to get past (Y/n), being the first to see what you've been up to.  What she didn't expect to see was you completely shirtless, swinging a hammer at what looks like a new type of armor.  She couldn't recognize you at first since you grew in muscle because instead of your original build similar to Ichika, your now built like a boxer, and finally you grew facial hair.

Jarvis:"Sir, you have a guest"

Jarvis said as a light starts to shine on Laura, revealing her location.

(Y/n):"Hey Laura, what are you doing here at -"

You look at the clock.

(Y/n):"5:30, is that a.m. or p.m."

Jarvis:"a.m. sir"

(Y/n):"What are you doing this early in the morning"

Laura:"I am here to see my bride"

(Y/n):"I don't think now is the best time, he's probably asleep"

Laura:"I'm still going to see my bride"


You simply say as you get back to work, until you remember that you wanted to apologize.

(Y/n):"Hey Laura"


(Y/n):"I know this is very late, but I want to say I'm sorry about what I said"

Laura:"Your apologizing now?"

(Y/n):"Yeah, I know it's been months but I don't want any tension between us if we are going to have to work together, so what do you say?  Do you forgive me?"

Laura was surprised at what (Y/n) is saying, since all she's ever see you be would be either sarcastic or asshole, but right now she see's you being genuine.

Laura:"(Y/n), I forgive you, although I won't forget what you said."

(Y/n):"I guess that's fair.  Now you might want to get ready to meet your 'bride' because he's going to come out of his room at any second"

Just as you finished saying this Ichika came out of his room to get tutoring from you since classes would start soon.

Ichika:"Laura, what are you doing here"

Laura:"I have come to see my bride, there is a special reason why I was waiting here for you to wake up."

Laura pulls a folded piece of paper and gives it to Ichika.

Laura:"Read this"

Ichika:"What is this? Let's see here . . . Come to the end of the summer festival for your dating... pleasure?!  Wait a minute, is this event at that big, swanky water park that opened up"

(Y/n):"Swanky?  You two know I'm still here right"

Ichika:"I've really  been wanting to check this place out!"

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