New Job

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In a house that was at the edge of town, a young man who was busy in the same house's basement where he is working.  This was you, (Y/n) (L/n), a young man who's been the new assigned guard to protect the IS academy.  You managed to graduate early at the age of 17 and began to settle down in a house in the edge of town.  Right now you are working on a new project but you were stumped on how you would finish it, as you began to sit down and stare at a type of container with some kind of silver liquid inside.

(Y/n): "I think it's about time that I should head to bed."

You look over at the clock to see that it was 1:00 in the morning, so you decided to head upstairs to your bed.  You began to think back on all the things that you have accomplished, fighting a giant floating head, a team of armored suits with people who wanted you dead one of which was your girlfriends father, an ancient dragon, and a sorcerer whose power comes from rings.  Now that your thinking about it, it sounds kind of crazy.

Baxter: "Ke re kii (Hooman are you tired?)"

Baxter then was pushing your face, he was trying to wake you up from your slumber.  You nearly instantly fell asleep when you hit the bed, so you were in a deep slumber that a small otter like Baxter couldn't wake you up.

Baxter: "Ke ki ke ki chii (Bird friend, come over and help me.)"

Bessy: "Bawk bak bwak bwak (You called for me?)"

Baxter: "re che ki chi ke (Hooman isn't waking up.)"

Bessy: "BAWK (WHAT?)"

Bessy then knocked Baxter off of you and was now on top of you.

Bessy: "Bwak bak bak bwak bawk (Master wake up, your too young to die.)"

Bessy began to peck your face with some semblance of being gentle with you, which didn't cause any bother to your slumber.

Bessy: "Bwak bawk bwak bawk bawk bak bwak (He's not waking up, Baxter get up here and help me.)"

Baxter got back up with Bessy on top of you, they began to panic as you were in a deep slumber with them thinking you worked yourself to death.

Bessy: "Bawk bak bwak bak (Don't die on me master!)"

Both Bessy and Baxter began to try to wake you up no matter how rough they have to be.  Baxter began to claw you while Bessie began to peck your face , which caused you to wake back up instantly.

(Y/n): "What the - who the wha - eh?"

You look around to see that both Baxter and Bessy were on your bed and staring directly at you.

(Y/n): "What do you want?"

They both stared at you with a moment of confusion, then they began to walk away from the bed.

Baxter: "Ki ke rii ka ki (Looks like he's fine.)"

Bessy: "Bawk bwak bawk ba bawk bwak (All in a day's work, see the pecking always works.)"

(Y/n): "Why did you two wake me up?"

They both went to their respective beds and fell asleep, leaving you with unanswered question, although what kind of answers were you expecting from an otter and a chicken.

(Timeskip with a chibi (Y/n) looking at a board with the words bawk and other noises from Bessy and Baxter, trying to figure out a translation)

You wake up at five in the morning in order to get ready, which entails that you only have had four hours of sleep, and it doesn't help that you've stayed up the previous night.  You groggily get out of bed and began to prepare for your day, starting with a quick breakfast with (Favorite breakfast), while you were eating breakfast you didn't notice that there was someone waking up.  Baxter woke up with the commotion of making breakfast, so while you were having breakfast Baxter noticed the the bag that was next to his bed.

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